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温家宝和李明博均到正当防卫好玩吗日本参加了三国峰会。Wen and Lee were in Japan for a three-nation summit.

第二部分,一般正当防卫的成立条件。Second part, general justifiable defense tenable condition.

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自卫枪击罪犯是正当防卫。The policeman was justified in shooting the criminal in self-defence.

那个警察出于自卫枪击罪犯是正当防卫。The policeman was justified in shooting the criminal in self-defence.

防卫过当制度是正当防卫制度的重要补充。The unjustifiable self-defense is an important supplement to the justifiable self-defense.

由于宋怀的一贯恐吓,张红感到生命安全受到威胁,才采取了正当防卫。As SONG Huai has been intimidation, Hong lives are threatened, taken before the self-defense.

正当防卫必须针对实际存在的正在进行的不法侵害实施,不能明显超过必要的限度。But proper defense should be executed in a proper limit to on going violation of legal rights.

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你可以报警的,三年前你的行为属于正当防卫,没有触犯法律的。You can call the police! You didn't obey the law three years ago, but you acted in self-defense.

支持者认为,由于是正当防卫,她只应当受到轻微的惩罚。Supporters say any punishment she receives should be mild because she was acting in self-defence.

斯托伊科维奇说,“妻子用棒球棒打我”,之后反告他打人,并出于正当防卫打了他。After the beatings, his wife accused him of battering her, saying she fought back in self-defense.

正当防卫制度创立至今的几千年里,防卫权所针对的不法侵害的范围一直处于变化之中。Self-defense system has been established thousands of years, the scope of unlawful attack has been changes.

防卫过当的程度要件是区分正当防卫与防卫过当的关键所在。The degree element of Unjustifiable Self-defense is the key to distinguish it from Justifiable Self-defense.

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在正当防卫理论大厦的构建过程中,正当防卫成立所需的主观条件问题显然是不容回避的。While we are constructing the theory mansion of justifiable defense, the subjective condition can't be avoided.

这项新的立法表明,日本海军可以护送非本国的船舰,并且可以使用超出正当防卫的武器。The new legislation would mean they'll be able to escort non-Japanese ships and use weapons beyond self-defence.

西方资产阶级启蒙运动思想家们也将正当防卫权视作天赋人权的内容之一。The west bourgeois torchbearers also affirm the self-defense as a kind of content in the inherence human rights.

同时,朝鲜外务省副外相朴吉渊强调,他们的核武器属于正当防卫。Meanwhile, North Korea's vice-minister for foreign affairs has insisted its nuclear weapons are for self-defence.

警卫队长官回应我们时说他们只对有挑衅行为的群众动武,他们的行为完全是正当防卫。Some officers told me that they only take action in response to provocation, and even then, only in self-defense.

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法官说明黄姓电工的狗是正当防卫其主人的资产,因此黄姓电工无罪。The judge said Huang's dog was appropriate defense of his owner's property, and that Huang was innocent of any crime.

至少从上世纪80年代以来,科学家们已经推理出临死体验是作为一种生理正当防卫技巧而出现的。Since at least the 1980s, scientists have theorized that NDEs occur as a kind of physiological self-defense mechanism.

重点论述了特殊正当防卫的认识因素和意志因素,特别强调了对“暴力侵害人”必须有正确的认识。It mainly discusses the cognition factor and will factor and emphasizes a correct understanding of "violent infringer".