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历史书中并未记载下赖利如何处理的这笔钱。Historydoesn't record what Reilly did with the money.

有些记载,弥补了史书之阙。Some records, make up the history books of the palace.

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但这些都被逼到了史书的角落里去了!But they are pushed to the corner where the history books!

不过,最令我难忘的还是史书。However, the most unforgettable in the history books still.

史书上没有记载是否神父宽恕了他。History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution.

史书似乎常带有一种不真实的味道。History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.

有时一个朝代甚至会有多部官方史书。Sometimes there are multiple official history of the same dynasty.

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这本史书详细地记述了时代的变迁。The history book recorded the details of the vicissitude of times.

中国有几百本在皇帝和王朝支持下编纂而成的史书。There are hundreds of other histories about dynasties and emperors.

据史书记载,冷箭竹的开花周期为50~60年。Aecording to the history, Arrow Bamboo flowers every 50 to 60 years.

它们有些来源于史书记载,但大部分来源于著名小说。Some of them are from history books, but most are from famous novels.

用勤劳的双手捧出一卷惊天动地的史书。Peng Chu industrious hands with earth-shattering volume history books.

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接下来的几十年里,奥拉·辛的下落在史书中的记载模糊不清。History is vague as to the Sing's whereabouts in the decades that followed.

根据史书记载,诺曼人在1066年占领英格兰。According to the textbook of history, the Normans conquered England in 1066.

与其所说的“复民”,同史书中的“复客”、“复田”也有不同涵义。It also has different meaning with "Fu Ke" or "Fu Tian" in historical books.

分析郑樵关于史书编纂的别识心裁。The fourth part analyses original view about the compiling of the history book.

令人遗憾的是,这个原本应属例行性飞行的航班,最后却驶进了史书中。Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a routine flight ended up in history books.

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民间传说、约瑟夫斯的史书中都不同程度记载着她的故事。Folklore, the history books Josephus recorded in varying degrees in both her story.

关于孔子的生辰,史书的记载存在着分歧。There are different opinions on Confucious exact birthday in the historical records.

对于中东路事件起因与肇衅者问题,史书记载有着不同的说法。Historical records disagree over the cause of the Zhongdonglu Incident and the provocateurs.