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每天傍晚日落是都要降旗。Every evening at sunset the flag was lowered.

我到的时候,正赶上降旗仪式。I came here at dusk when the flag was being lowered.

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在气候适宜的舞台上一个湖会极有规律地鸣响夜晚的降旗炮。In the right stage of the weather a pond fires its evening gun with great regularity.

美国退伍军人参加降旗在科勒维尔在美国的战争墓地仪式滨海。American veterans attend a flag-lowering ceremony in the US war cemetery in Colleville-Sur-Mer.

结果,当名闻遐迩的“降旗仪式”进行时,我正在和官衙门打交道。As a result I was still dealing with bureaucracy during the famous "lowering of the flags" ceremony.

降旗士兵们昂首阔步,用力跺着脚,头抽动着,胸口鼓足了气,大摇大摆地表演着故意为之的挑衅。THE cockerels strut and stamp, heads jerking, chests puffed, in a swaggering display of mock aggression.

来自印度边境安全部队的希马特·辛格表示,印方还将任用女兵参加降旗仪式。Himmat Singh of India's Border Security Force said that his side has also decided to involve women in the ceremony for the first time.

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如今印巴双方再度会谈,巴基斯坦边兵部队表示他们已经接受印度的提案,缓和降旗仪式上的挑衅姿态。Now with the two governments holding talks once again, the Pakistani Rangers say that they've agreed to an Indian proposal to tone it all down.

总理卡文。鲁德宣布每年2月7日,政府部门降旗并默哀一分钟,来铭记这一悲剧。Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced the tragedy will be marked each February 7th by lowering flags on government buildings along with a moment's silence.

当学生们冲入使馆大院时,警察并未阻止,对降旗、捣毁卫星锅、纵火等行为皆未加阻拦。They did not move to stop the students as they rushed into the embassy compound, or to prevent them from lowering the flag, destroying the satellite dishes or setting fires.

魁北克城皇家第22团军营里的一个降旗仪式上,军乐队正在行进中演奏,展现了不列颠帝国昔日的辉煌,背景是芳提娜城堡饭店。A relic of British pomp and pageantry, the marching band of the Royal 22nd Regiment performs during a flag-lowering at the Citadel in Quebec City, with the Château Frontenac Hotel as a backdrop.