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在某些情况下,图例仍然是必需的。Legends are still needed in certain cases.

充分利用地图图例。Using information provided in the map legend.

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修理的人建议我改正图例操作规程。The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.

下面便是我们当前注册按钮的图例。Below is an illustration of our current sign up button.

例如,下面这些图例是否能看作形状呢?For example, are the illustrations below considered shapes?

日记内对植被的形容,可参考定向图例。Description of vegetation is according to orienteering legends.

如果您过滤的是一个图表,这个标签是图表中的图例。If you are filtering a graph, the label is a legend in the graph.

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标签的颜色编码用于充当该图的图例。The color coding of the label is to act as a legend for the graph.

许多在线地图的上下文窗口减少了图例的使用。Contextual windows eliminate the need for legends in many online maps.

在此图例里,我用了1像素的笔刷并选择了模拟压力。Here I used our green swatch, again with 1px and simulate pressure on.

作好房间定义之后,在设计列上点选「房间与面积」「色彩计画图例」。After placing all "Room" data in the floor plan, click "Color Scheme Legend".

当绘制两条或多条曲线时,我们需要关键字或图例来对它们进行区分。When plotting two or more curves, we need a key or legend to distinguish them.

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最后还以图例说明了这些方程的应用。Finally, the application of some equations of them has geen illustrated by graphs.

在传统的印刷地图中,图例是作为符号解释器使用的。On traditional print maps, the legend serves as a translator for the symbols used.

而且它们总是在产品待办事项列表的最顶部,如图例3.1所示。They can be found at the top of the product backlog, as illustrated in Figure 3.1.

如果国际云图为它做了图例,那么阿斯帕拉图斯云将是近50年来的首次新增云种。If it makes the cut, asperatus will be the first new addition in more than 50 years.

这些都明显地反映在两图及其图例中,所以两图的表现方法可以说是最佳和易读的。This is clearly reflected in the legend that thus optimises the legibility of the map.

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但贝克的老婆在山坡处找到马宏,给了他“锡拉”地图的图例。Baker's wife finds Mahone on the hillside and gives him the legend to the map for Scylla.

但应该在这些轶闻在被列入清楚图例前,作更多的研究。But much more research is needed before those anecdotes can be marshaled into a coherent picture.

上下文菜单并没有使得图例完全过时,这仅仅是针对简单的兴趣点。Contextual menus do not make legends obsolete across the board, just for simple “points of interest.”