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所有这些都消耗能量。All of this burns energy.

傻子的箭放得快。/蠢人的东西消耗得快。A fool's bolt is soon shot.

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这项工作真消耗我的精力!The work drained my energy!

现在是另外的一些事情在消耗着他。Something else gnawed at him.

不过这将消耗一个水球。This expends one water globe.

压力快速消耗身体之中的能量。Stress zaps the body of energy.

短信会消耗非营利组织的经费Texting Costs Non-Profits Money

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图表和报告消耗树木。Charts and reports consume trees.

能源消耗创造财富。Energy consumption creates wealth.

蛋白质消耗也低于标准。Protein consumption was also less.

为什么要拖时间和消耗精力呢?Why waste time and energy moping ?

慢跑消耗我过剩的精力。Jogging works off my excess energy.

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这台机器消耗能源很大。This machine wastes a lot of energy.

我们的生活被细节消耗殆尽。Our life is frittered away by detail.

酒水的消耗向主管报告。MNB consumption reports to supervisor.

我们必须尽力消耗敌人的有生力量。We must consume all strength of enemy.

神性风暴不再消耗圣能。Divine Storm no longer uses Holy Power.

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精灵之火的魔法消耗从75降低到35。Faerie Fire cost reduced to 35 from 75.

首先,破坏需要消耗时间和弹药。First, destruction takes time and ammo.

他们每周消耗半吨煤。They use half a ton of coal every week.