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那个用左轮枪留着史诗般胡子的陆战队员是谁?Who is the Marine with the revolver and the epic mustache?

这些纳瓦霍人被分配到海军陆战师后,就登船出发了。The Navajos were assigned to Marine divisions and shipped out.

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在此之前,日本人巳经重创了第一海军陆战师。Japanese forces had taken a huge toll on the 1st Marine Division.

在我玩的每场比赛中,我都会用一个陆战队员去控制至少一个塔。Every game I played I would secure at least one tower using a Marine.

在经过一天的分批登船之后拥挤不堪的船只就带着陆战队员们驶向釜山。A day's steaming on board the jam-packed ships took the Marines to Pusan.

他们检查了汽车玻璃的毁损情况,向陆战队员们抱怨连连。They inspect the damage to the car windshield, complaining to the Marines.

朝廷此时又下赐军马给李舜臣让他用作陆战。Court at this time and give adm. yi sun-sin charger let he used as a Marine.

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在新卡布里卡的援救行动中,谁领导沙伦·阿格森的陆战护卫队?。Who led Sharon Agathon's Marine escort during the New Caprica rescue operation?

克隆克抓获了三名中国战俘,但有4名陆战队员阵亡,34人受伤。Cronk took three Chinese prisoners, but the Marines lost four killed and 34 wounded.

用“锅盖头”这一术语称呼陆战队员部分原因在于暗示他们的脑袋空空如也。The term "jarhead" is applied to Marines partly to imply that their heads are empty.

在敬献花圈后,美国水师陆战队员将下半旗志哀。Following the placement of the wreath, the marines will lower the flag to half staff.

“陆战队员们,回到飞机上去。”阿拜姆少校命令道,“你们有了一个新目标。”"Marines, get back to your birds, " ordered Lt. Colonel Aboim. "You've got a new target. "

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但是陆战队员们也得知,在零下的气温里这种军靴的表现也好不到哪里去。But, as the Marines were also learning, they were worse than no good in subzero temperatures.

在你干翻敌方的陆战队员后,摧毁正向你开火的自治联盟武装运输车。after you gun down the enemy Marines, destroy the armed Dominion Transport that fires on you.

当陆战队的卡车运来补给物资时,在回程时将大约100名受伤的陆战队员带回了兴南。When Marine trucks came up with resupply , they carried back to Hungnam about 100 wounded Marines.

阿富汗的赫尔曼德省,一美国海军陆战车队在玛尔扎赫市外的沙漠驱车。A convoy of U. S. Marines drives in the desert outside of Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province.

我在费卢贾感到轻松的原因之一就是陆战队员们似乎对任何事情都有的这种充足得过头的准备。One of the reasons I felt relaxed in Fallujah was that they seemed so over-prepared for everything.

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陆战队员接受太空战和地面战的交叉训练,擅长零重力战斗。The marines were cross-trained in space and ground-based fighting, and well-versed in zero-gee combat.

默雷的陆战5团指挥部则位于村子西北角的不远处。Murray 's command post for the 5th Marines was some distance away in the northwest corner of the village.

陆战1团做为师预备队,坚守主要补给线上真兴里、古土里、下碣隅里一线的阵地。The 1st Marines, in reserve, was to occupy positions along the MSR at Chinhung-ni, Koto -ri, and Hagaruri.