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我迷惑地眯着眼睛望去。I squinted in confusion.

使迷惑或使吃惊。To bewilder or astonish.

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然而,表面现象是具有迷惑性的。But looks can be deceiving.

忘不了你的迷惑。Your unforgettable mystify.

迷惑肝区肿大?Confuse liver area swelling?

并且一些事情也具有迷惑性And there's something puzzling.

这种提议是有迷惑力的。He was bewildered at the sight.

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我不知我为何而迷惑,但这种迷惑的感情使我顷刻明白了母爱的伟大,还有人类高尚的悲悯情怀。I do not know why I am puzzled.

对它是什么还有一点儿迷惑?A bit confused as to what it is?

他听到的字字句句使他迷惑了。Every word he heard puzzled him.

佐助和攻击迷惑你!Sasuke confuses and attacks you!

我对这种情况感到迷惑。I'm puzzled about this situation.

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弗兰茨被她的威胁迷惑了。Franz was bewitched by the threat.

我很迷惑,摸了摸自己的眼睛。I was confused. I touched my eyes.

作者的比喻令我迷惑。The author's imagery mystifies me.

一个智者是不会被阿谀奉承所迷惑的。A wise man is superior to flattery.

但是性爱主义倾向的主张却让她迷惑。But claims of eroticism puzzled her.

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他在试图迷惑对手。He was trying to mystify his opponent.

对此,她感到很迷惑。To this, she feels very interrogative.

他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。He was handsome, with a devilish charm.