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那你就艾文莉的药精水系列的吧!Avenir medicine that you water fine series of it!

珠江航运有着悠久的传统,是我国内河航运第二大水系。It is the second biggest river in Chinese inland navigation rivers.

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太峪水系的生态问题就是Hg、Pb、Cd的复合危害。The problems of ecosystem were compound disserved by Hg, Pb and Cd.

木材—吸附水系是一个多重弛豫时间的介电体系。The wood-absorptive water is a multi dielectric relaxation time system.

汨罗江在洞庭湖东侧,属洞庭湖水系。Miluo River in the east of Dongting Lake, the Dongting Lake water system.

李村河是青岛最大的水系,被誉为青岛的“母亲河”。Licun river is Qingdao's largest river, known as Qingdao's "mother river".

同时对松花江水系翘嘴红鱼白的生长和资源利用问题进行了探讨。The growth pattern and resources utilization of the fish were also discussed.

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整个水系向北排水,各个河道朝该方向分叉。Drainage was to the north and individual channels bifurcate in that direction.

通辽市主要有五大水系,湿地面积广阔。There are five main water systems and large areas of wetland in Tongliao city.

湾内浮游动物的分布,大致反映了不同水系影响的动态。It shows that distribution of zooplankton are responds to different water masses.

如果空气当中的汞进入到水系中,会产生剧毒。Airborne mercury can change into a highly toxic form after falling into waterways.

长乐以上,河流经丘陵山区,水系发育,水量丰富。Changle over mountain rivers flowing through hilly, water development, water rich.

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对1979,1980两年长江水系水体、鱼类及部分江底沉积物中天然铀含量进行了分析测定。The uranium content in water and fish in Yangtze River is determined in 1979,1980.

今年还将启动北运河水系中游段的生态修复项目。The restoration of the ecosystem in the mid-North Canal will be initiated this year.

丽江水系是不断发展的纳西世界里惟一不变的元素。The waters of Lijiang remain the one constant in the ever-evolving universe of the Naxi.

沂河流域地处降雨高值区,水系呈不对称特征。Yi River Basin is located in high precipitation area and the river system is asymmetric.

太湖流域属于平原河网区,水系相五连通。Taihu basin belongs to plain river network and river systems are connected with each other.

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地图图形往往具有一定程度的空间结构特征,例如树枝状水系、棋盘状街道网等。There are many structural units on maps, such as dendriform drainage and orthogonal streets.

结合以人为本的思想,由此规划出本地块道路路网及水系形态。Combining the human-oriented idea, the road network and water system of the block is designed.

蜿蜒七公里长的人工水系四通八达环绕着整个景区。The man-made water system wanders 7 kilometers long, reaching every corner of the scenic area.