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这是一个中肯的问题。This is a relevant question.

我认为他说得很中肯。I thought he spoke very apropos.

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开口语气要中肯强调,结束要拥护支持。Start by empathizing and end by advocating.

没有比这更中肯的了。Nothing could be more pertinent at this point.

它们包含有关此主题的中肯意见。They contain pertinent information on this topic.

我想,我们大家现在都能领会这句话中肯。I think we can all appreciate the relevance of that now.

这些评价非常中肯,也都入木三分的。The fair and impartial evaluation, also penetrating the.

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拉利亚·奥廷加是此次选举中肯雅塔的主要挑战者。Ralia Odinga was Kenyatta's main challenger in this election.

这个概念本身的中肯性,也存在着问题。there is the problem with the very cogency of the idea itself.

而且这些使马克思主义者对其提出了更中肯的批评。And this made the Marxist critique of it all the more pertinent.

当然,来源,其中明确提到爱色尼是中肯的。Certainly the sources which explic jly mention the Essenes are pertinent.

当然,来源,其中明确提到爱色尼是中肯的。Certainly the sources which explicitly mention the Essenes are pertinent.

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梅姨母像本叔叔那样惊讶,而且她言语中肯,一针见血。Aunt May rocks just as much as Uncle Ben, and she hit the nail on the head.

无论你身处何方,你的衣柜中肯定都会有一条蓝色的牛仔裤。No matter where you live, chances are you have a pair of blue jeans in there.

他在讨论会上提出的几个问题都十分中肯。The questions he raised during the discussion were all very much to the point.

上星期末,在障碍赛跑中肯雅人轻而易举地赢得了金牌。Later in the week, the Kenyans waltzed off with gold medal in the steeplechase.

研究报告中提出的许多建议非常中肯。Many comments and suggestions in the report are very pertinent and insightful”.

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在前面四章的基础上,本文最后一章对我国科技兴贸战略提出了几方面中肯的建议。On the basis of the above study, some prudent suggestions are made to the strategy.

提出一个简短的提纲,可能会得到许多中肯的建议,并确保你也赞成如何继续下去。Offer a short outline, be open to suggestions, and make sure you agree how to proceed.

有关各方已就该文件提出了中肯的意见和建议。All relevant sides have put up their pertinent suggestions and proposals for the document.