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溪流迂回地向下游流去。The stream braids downstream.

他们迂回穿过人群。They twisted through the crowd.

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军队迂回通过了这片丛林。The army snaked through the jungle.

河流迂回前进通过山谷。The river snakes through the valley.

这条路迂回地通向海滩。This route is indirect to the beach.

他们喜欢比较迂回的交际方式。They prefer a more round-about approach.

他们迂回地穿过人群。They snaked their way through the crowd.

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它至多算是一个非常迂回的途径。At best, it is a very circuitous mechanism.

道路是迂回的而且往往是冗长的。The route is circuitous and often redundant.

他们迂回到敌军的右翼。They turned the right flank of the enemy troop.

历史的发展是曲折的,迂回的。History moves in zigzags and by roundabout ways.

我是一条小蛇,在自己的世界里迂回前进。I'm a mini-snake, it snakes within world myself.

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于连提出一种“迂回”的研究策略。Jullien introduces a "detour" research strategy.

还有些是猎人,迂回设陷得到她们想要的。Others are s. setting traps to get what they want.

我由一条迂回曲折的小径进了村。I entered the village by the little roundabout lane.

迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.

比特曼采取了迂回的路径,他的工作在“纽约时报”。Bittman took a circuitous path to his job at the Times.

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日本也在用迂回的方法武装自己。Japan, too, has been arming itself in a roundabout way.

这标志设在窄路或迂回路上,标明让车处的地点。Sign marking a passing place on a narrow or winding road.

容不下任何迂回曲折的温暖。It can not accept any circuitous twists and turns of warmth.