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我们可以把这称作一次省亲。We can call it a visit.

对于让所有犹太人回来“省亲”的想法,耶胡达先生表示赞同。He welcomed the idea of Jews returning someday.

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每次省亲回家但终究是要说声再见。With every homecoming, there is also a farewell.

省亲是归家探望父母的礼俗。Visting parents is an etiquette to pay filial homage to parents.

而这一天,也就是四旬斋的第四个星期日,就变成「省亲星期日」。This day, the fourth Sunday of Lent, became known as " Mothering Sunday."

队伍出发了,他们还是化妆成一对阔家夫妇回乡省亲的队伍。Team set off, they still make up into a rich family couple returned mothering.

以往我每年必须找一个假期,回家省亲,顺便度假。Every year I used to arrange the schedule to go home while spend vacation by the way.

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在节目的开始我们首先关注一下奥巴马总统的出国访问,实际上是省亲。We start things off today with a presidential visit that's actually a kind of homecoming.

他们带回的特别的省亲蛋糕增添了节日的气氛。A special cake , called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

为增加节日的气氛,他们常捎带一种特制的蛋糕,叫省亲蛋糕。A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch4.

唐前省亲诗仅表达了个人思归的家园情结。Visiting parents poetry before the Tang Dynasty expresses home complex of personal homesickness.

省亲时,她说一句,哭一句,把皇宫大内说成是“终无意趣”的“不得见人的去处”。Mothering, she said, crying, the palace said finding no interest ", "the end" not see people place ".

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都柏林在今晚为有着爱尔兰血统的黑人美国总统举行了省亲欢迎会。A homecoming welcome in Dublin tonight for a black American president embracing his distant Irish ancestry.

结束“回家省亲”的旅途,我们去医院看柯柯的才动了心脏手术的老牛仔爸爸。他将要被推近X光室,他看着我说,非常荣幸你能够成为他的女朋友。By the end of the visiting, he was sending to the X-ray room, and he said, I am honored to have you as Cody's girlfriend.

以修建大观园和元春省亲为标志,小说开始进入“梦之夏”的循环。The novel formally starts the cyclical plot of the dream's spring with Bao Yu's traveling to Tai Xu Dreamland in Chapter 5.

渐渐地,宗教节日和省亲日的庆祝活动相互交融,人们开始既敬重母亲,又颂扬教会。Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration. People began honoring their mothers as well as the church.

象一只南飞避寒的候鸟,每年我都要回家省亲,重拾与孟加拉的联系。I am a sheeter pakhi – a bird who has flown east for the winter. Every year I travel home to visit my family and reconnect with Bangladesh.

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通过赵嬷嬷与凤姐等人对话,把眼前的“省亲”与往日的“接驾”的家族记忆融合在一起。By the description of the talks between Zhao Momo and Wang Xifeng and other people, he merges the present mothering with the household memory of meeting the emperor in the former days.