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北纬34.07.080东经70.13.209。North 34.07.080 by East 70.13.209.

这个镇位于东经二十四度。The town is at longitude 24 degrees east.

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我们的位置是东经116度。Our position is longitude 116 degrees east.

在东经租房子比在伦敦、纽约和巴黎贵得多。Rents in Tokyo are higher than London, New YorkParis.

该少年还谈到了他的爱,为国菜,鱼'东经'芯片。The teenager also spoke of his love for the national dish, fish 'n' chips.

一个'我知道她把我的角落,因为她比较信任我'东经她德小提琴的男孩。An' I know she put it in my corner because she trust me more' n she did de violin boy.

三年前纳尔逊先生去了位于东经24度的另一个城镇。Three years ago Mr. Nelson went to another town that was at longitude 24 degrees east.

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显宰的第二场影迷会是在东经的太阳广场举办,那里可以容纳2100名观众。The second of Jo Hyun-Jae's Fans Meeting was in Tokyo's Sun Plaza which could hold 2100 people.

东经地铁提供一项叫做地铁使用指南的网上版本,还给出一些乘车礼仪,供乘客参考。Tokyo Metro provides an online guide titled Using the Subway and also reminds users of train etiquette.

图片所示的是坦桑尼亚中北部南纬6.43度,东经37.61度附近的地区。This image shows an area in north-central Tanzania, at approximately 6.43 degrees south and 37.61 degrees east.

中心点素坐标位于东经17度5分,北纬5度0分。Center point coordinates are located at 17 degrees, 5 minutes east longitude and 5 degrees, 0 minutes north latitude.

该局还说,震中位于北纬三十一度,东经一百零三点四度。The epicenter of the quake was located 31.0 degrees north latitude and 103.4 degrees east longitude, the bureau said.

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太姥山位于福建省东北部,在福鼎市正南距市区四十五公里,约在东经120度与北纬27度的附近。Taimu Mountain is situated within Fuding City, northeast of Fujian Province and near east LONG. 120 and north LAT. 27.

震中位置为北纬22.247、东经123.733。The epicenter of the quake was initially determined to be 22.247 degrees north latitude and 123.733 degrees east longitude.

地震局称,据监测,震源位于北纬22.5度,东经113.9度,深度达23公里。The epicenter was monitored at 22.5 degrees north latitude and 113.9 degrees east longitude, with a depth of about 23 kilometers, said the station.

震源为宫城县,具体位置为北纬38.2度,东经142度,震源深度为40公里,东京震感强烈。Source for the Miyagi Prefecture, the specific location of 38.2 degrees north latitude, 142 degrees east longitude, focal depth 40 km, Tokyo, felt strong.

伴随着启东经济的突飞猛进以及区位优势的日益凸显,越来越多的老外选择来启东工作、生活,甚或在启东安家落户。With the growing economy and locational advantages, more and more foreigners are choosing to work and live in Qidong , and some even selected to make homes here.

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目前,鑫诺二号卫星保持在东经92.2度预定轨道位置附近,卫星平台的其他系统在轨运行正常。For the time, the satellite is located in quasi-GEO orbit near 92.2E. All onboard equipment and software are working nominally except the malfunctions stated above.

越南在1974年在东经118度设立了自己的海洋边界。也像中国那样对南沙和西沙以及周围水域声称拥有主权。Vietnam in 1974 set its maritime boundaryat 118 degree east longitude. It claims, like China, both the Paracel Islandsand the Spratly Islands, as well as their surrounding waters.