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啊,可怜的牲口!Ah, poor beast!

是皇帝陛下的牲口。It was His Majesty's beast.

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农民给犁套上了牲口。The farmer yoked his plough.

他在农场饲养牲口。He ranched animals on a farm.

牲口把水弄脏了。The animals defiled the water.

他什么时候能卖完牲口回来?。When does he return from his droving?

看着众位牧人,把牲口喂养And see the shepherds feed their flocks

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而牧场的牲口差不多有二百多头呢!And there were nearly two hundred of them!

他们把牲口牵回牲口棚。They led the animals back to their stalls.

“人们总说我在养牲口,”Jarrett说。"People say I raise cattle, " says Jarrett.

放牧牲口同样伤害草原。Grazing livestock destroy grassland as well.

——看——啊,可怜的牲口——去把它扶起来!Look—Oh, the poor beast—try to lift him up !

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这个牧人每天上午在牲口群的周围绕着走。The herdsman rings his cattle every morning.

一般枯饼都是用来喂牲口的。Generally, oil cakes are used to feed livestock.

他们试图把分散的牲口赶在一起。They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle.

我父亲把挽具扣在牲口身上就走了。My father buckled the harness down and went away.

只要牲口还在维持他们的财产,他们就不喜欢灌溉。They don't like it when cows go on their property.

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一个牲口不够,再加个帮套吧。One beast of burden is not enough to pull the cart.

买主以稳定的价格买光了这一天牵到集市来的牲口。Buyers cleared the day's cattle run at steady rates.

牛仔在赶拢的牲口群中给100头小牛打烙印。The cowboys branded a hundred calves in the roundup.