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在塞尔维亚飞地中这是最常见的说法。It is a common refrain in the Serbian enclaves.

伦敦也可能变成欧洲的中国飞地。London might become a Chinese enclave in Europe.

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莫拉蒂诺斯的此次访问是落实这块飞地的新协议的一部分。Mr Moratinos's visit was part of a new entente over the Rock.

不过,总的来说,审评很高兴与该飞地的性能。Overall, however, reviewers are pleased with the Enclave's performance.

开发商通过带来的种种好处,来说服老挝允许中国经营这块飞地。The developers persuaded Laos of the benefits of allowing a Chinese-run enclave.

丹尼尔·“左轮手枪”·诺瓦塞克被塞昂捉住地时候飞地是什么机型?What kind of ship is Daniel "Bulldog" Novacek flying when he is captured by the Cylons?

就在这儿,这个特殊又与她毫不相干的飞地似的地方,她遇见了一个“熟人”。Here, of all places, in this peculiar and irrelevant enclave, she had spotted a familiar.

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纳瓦罗现在是你的地图上标明正确的时候你去通过Gecko的飞地遇到那里。Navarro is now correctly marked on your map when you go there via the Gecko-Enclave encounter.

作为补充,别克的新的豪华阵容,在飞地提供了出色的注重细节。As a complement to Buick's new luxury lineup, the Enclave delivers superior attention to detail.

在该亚穆俱乐部是一个高级飞地包括属于一个隐蔽的亚穆和私人领域。The Club at The Yamu is an exclusive enclave that comprises a secluded and private area within The Yamu.

“飞地”型城镇是城镇化过程中在贫困落后地区形成的一种特殊范例,是一种特殊城镇化类型。Enclave city and towns is a kind of special model in the process of urbanization in remote and poor areas.

在其宣传册中他们说道,这块飞地上的居民将会“形成一个大的社区和现代社会“。Its residents, they said, would "form a huge community and a modern society", in the words of their brochure.

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艾克萨奇亚上空被催泪瓦斯和烟雾所笼罩,这让它看起来像是城市巷战中的一块飞地。A heavy cloud of tear gas and smoke hung over Exarchia, which felt like a rebel-held enclave in a city at war.

西班牙所有的北非海岸休达和梅利利亚飞地受到高科技边界墙的保护。The Spanish-owned enclaves of Ceuta andMelilla on the North African coast are protected by high-tech border fences.

因此,军事戒严只会在那些富裕的飞地里成为现实,而此处是由最有实力者和最残酷无情的人统治着。Thus, Martial Law will become a reality only for those rich enclaves, where the strongest and most ruthless will rule.

南韩经营的开城特色工业园区是一个位于朝鲜边境上的飞地,朝鲜人到这里的南韩工厂上班。South Korea operates the Kaesong Special Industrial Zone, a border enclave where North Koreans work in southern factories.

俄罗斯领导人说他们是在保卫两块飞地——阿布哈兹与南奥赛梯——免遭格鲁吉亚入侵。Russia’s leaders said they were defending two breakaway territories, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, from Georgia’s aggression.

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我们从拉脱维亚出发,经过立陶宛来到加里宁格勒,这里是俄罗斯在欧洲的飞地,与俄罗斯本土不相邻。We travelled from Latvia, across Lithuania to Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave in Europe that's cut off from mainland Russia.

在殖民地美国,新泽西州西部的飞地谊中存在的罗得岛,北卡罗莱纳州,宾夕法尼亚州和。In colonial America, enclaves of Quakers existed in Love Rhode Island, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and western New Jersey.

而以色列要哈马斯制止激进分子向以色列领土发射火箭弹,制止激进分子把武器偷运进加沙这块临海飞地。Israel wants Hamas to stop militants from firing rockets into its territory and the smuggling of weapons into the seaside enclave.