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那倒是真的。That was true.

李导游对此倒是一副外交辞令。Li was diplomatic.

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这倒是真的。Oh yes, that's true.

哦,那你倒是说说看。Oh, tell us some more.

这倒是一个问题。That was the question.

你倒是真想得开。How open-minded you are.

姐你莫非倒是一位文君。She may be a lute-lover.

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骑马那部分倒是会发生。The horse part, that is.

叫苦的倒是那些狗呢。It's the dogs who complain.

所以,你需要我,这倒是不错。So you need me. This is good.

倒是让皇太后看笑话了。Pour is show empress dowager joke.

你倒是适合做我的助手。You are suited to be my assistant.

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相似倒是会产生魅力?Similarity breeds attraction. Okay?

但是我倒是不介意吃盒饭。But I don't mind eating boxed lunch.

倒是释小龙,我看着心酸。I looked at ShiXiaoLong is very sad.

本人对他讲的话,固然逆耳,倒是忠言。I talk to him with brutal frankness.

刀叉倒是摆得满满的。But they got a lot of forks ' knives.

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你最富有的时候,倒是望似最穷。It looks poorest when you are richest.

那倒是一则讥讽的恭维话。That's rather a backhanded compliment.

现在倒是一点声音都没了Now we're not getting any volume at all.