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但其他人说,他这只是在修修补补,是在搞重组再造。But others say he’s just tinkering, re-engineering.

我只是不断修修补补,得到了越来越多的进入。I just kept tinkering and got more and more into it.

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今天下午,我在忙着做一些修修补补的家务活。I was busying in doing some repairing housework this afternoon.

我选择了后面的方法,在周围做些修修补补之后就搞定了。I did the 2nd method and it worked for me after some tinkering around.

在接下去的40年中,埃及的总统们一直在对这部宪法修修补补。Over the next four decades, Egypt's presidents tinkered with the text.

酱缸修修补补用了几十年。The jars have been through many repairs during the past several decades.

他们是我的第一个“婴儿”和我有更多的了解自己的价值然后从修修补补。They are my first "babies" and I have learned more then their worth from tinkering.

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而拍电影时,我做不到,所以我总是一直在那儿改个不停,修修补补、帮这帮那、协调来协调去。With a movie, this is it, so I'm rewriting all the time and fixing and helping and adjusting.

当时我对软件基本上一无所知,当时我擅长修修补补,并且还在自己装电脑。I knew next to nothing about software, but I was good with tinkering, and was building a computer.

您只需要给自己设置一个项目,并从头到尾不断修修补补,这样就可以学习到大量的知识。You can learn a tremendous amount by just giving yourself a project and cobbling through it to the end.

调整增值税,更像是为缓解劳动力密集行业压力,而在微观方面进行的修修补补。The VAT adjustment is more a case of micro-level tinkering to provide relief to a labour-intensive sector.

我继承了父亲的优点,擅长修修补补,但我就是不知道如何修理一个心灵破碎的人。I’ve always been great at fixing things, a trait inherited from him, but I don’t know how to fix a broken man.

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比如你像多数人一样,你可能已经在Twitter上面修修补补了数周,终归不写了之。If you're like most, you've probably tinkered with Twitter for a few weeks, then written it off as a diversion.

在这之前,美国宇航局曾四次对哈勃进行修复,都是规模较小的修修补补。NASA had repaired the telescope four times before, for mostly minor fixes. This time, the Hubble needed a complete makeover.

或者从理论上讲,罗斯福本来应该认识到问题太严重了不能进行修修补补,资本主义体系最终会实现自我修正。Or, in theory, he could have decided that it was too dangerous to tinker and that the system would eventually correct itself.

比如,克林顿曾推行强制性校服政策,这是被自由派人士嘲笑为“总统的修修补补”的标志性事件。Clinton's effort to mandate school uniforms, for example, became emblematic of what liberals derided as presidential tinkering.

不过,老虎机在网络技术协助下也在发展,不仅仅是在返奖规则上修修补补了。Yet slot-machine development, assisted by advances in networking technology, involves more than simply tinkering with payout algorithms.

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当我们吃完饭,我站起来感谢他们,就如同第一次开原山注意到我的消失和肮脏的,修修补补的牛仔裤似乎。When we finished eating, I stood up to thanks them, and it seemed like the first time Kaihara-san noticed my faded and filthy, patchwork jeans.

发起这一运动的工程师们在车库、地下室或客厅中修修补补,侵入许多微生物的基因代码之中。This movement consists of smart engineers who like to tinker in garages, basements and living rooms, hacking the genetic codes of various organisms.

经过了13年的修修补补,这位来自爱荷华州的发明家终于制成了一种10英尺长的精巧装置。这种装置能够将成条的面包切成片并装进蜡纸包装袋里。After 13 years of tinkering, the inventor from Iowa introduced a 10-foot-long contraption that sliced and stuffed loaves of bread into wax paper wrapping.