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鹿没有吃生面团,尽管母鹿吃了枣椰子。The deer dined on dough, though the doe dined on dates.

他们把枣椰树画在他们的石头建筑上。They made pictures of date palms on their stone buildings.

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在中国北方,粽子是由米混着枣椰子做成。Zongzi is often made of rice mixed with dates in northern China.

斯堪的纳维亚人会做一些干鱼,阿拉伯人也会做些压缩的枣椰子。The Scandinavians make dried fish and the Arabs make dried dates.

埃及是全世界最大的枣椰生产国,年产量为110万吨。Egypt is the world's top date producer with 1.1 million tonnes a year.

这乳霜含有枣椰子萃取液、橄榄叶萃取液及芦荟萃取液。The cream contains date palm extract, olive leaf extract and Aloe Vera extract.

在那儿,你会发现很多枣椰树,人们也可以种植谷子和蔬菜。There you will find lots of date palms, and people also grow millet and vegetables.

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在伊拉克,枣椰树是作为一种传家宝世代相传的。Date palm trees in Iraq are passed down through generations as part of family legacies.

重果料蛋糕内含洋李干,枣椰子,樱桃,核桃,红糖和蜜糖。The dark fruit cake contains prunes, dates, cherries, walnuts, brown sugar and molasses.

比如,我不算是做饭的好手,但是我会做枣椰子和姜味酸辣酱!For example, I'm not a particularly good cook, but I make a mean date and ginger chutney!

最具埃及农业特色的无疑是枣椰树。The date palm is without a doubt the plant which characterizes Egyptian agriculture more than anything else.

在中国科研机构的帮助下,终于在中国南方找到了一种枣椰树。With the help of Chinese scientific research institutions, a date palm species was eventually found in Southern China.

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目前,150棵枣椰树已被成功引种至沪郊,即将成为上海世博会园区的一道独特风景。Now, 150 date palm trees have been replanted at suburban area of Shanghai and will soon become a unique scene of the EXPO site.

另外,我们要买一条枣椰奶饮品的包装线和柠檬枣椰汁的生产线。Also, we buy a packaging line of juice has bases syrup of mixed dates to milk and a production line of soft drink lemonade syrup of date.

噢,你能帮帮忙给我们做一份节礼日的恺撒什锦色拉吗?而且里面要放枣椰、葡萄、李子干做填料,好不好?Oh, and can you be a darling and do us a caesar salad for Boxing Day, and there will be dates and grapes and prune stuffing , won't there?

在以色列科学家的培育下,一颗有2000年历史的枣椰树种子成功发芽,如今已长成1米多高的小树。Israeli scientists recently grew a 120cm-tall date palm from a 2000-year-old seed which has been confirmed as the world's oldest-sprouted seed.

沙特馆共需要150棵枣椰树,虽然可以通过海运从沙特长途引进,但由于枣椰树对环境非常敏感,引种成功的难度非常大。Although they can be transported by sea from Saudi Arabia, as the date palm trees are extremely sensitive to the environment, it will be very hard to naturalize them.

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这款波特酒拥有美妙的宝石色仍处于发展阶段的颜色是紫色的褐色色调,类似树脂枣椰的果香,酒体饱满酒精含量低。Port of an admirable ruby still developing colour of a purple brownish hue, and fruity aroma resembling resins and dates. It is medium bodied with low alcohol content.

开始的时候玛士撒拉的叶子长满了白点,研究人员认为是营养不良。这些天它看起来就像一棵健康的现代枣椰树。At the beginning its leaves were plagued with white spots, which the researchers chalked up to insufficient nutrients. These days it looks like a healthy modern date palm.

“那是一个很小的镇子,到处都是枣椰树”,在巴比伦犹太遗产中心举办的一次采访上,耶胡达如是说,那时他还是遗产调查小组的组长。“It was a very small place, and filled with date palms, ” he said in an interview at the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Center in Or Yehuda, Israel, where he is the research director.