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那个国家目前内外交困。That country is beset with difficulties at home and abroad.

此时的杨志内外交困,陷于人生最低谷。The diplomacy inside right now Yang Zhi is tired, cereal of sink life lowest.

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币制借款应当说是清末外交的一大败笔,清政府由此进一步陷入了内外交困之中。Currency loan is a failure and from then on the Qing government came into a predicament.

在这内外交困的条件下,许多人预期美国经济将下滑,尤其是跟中国比起来。In these circumstances, many are predicting America's decline, especially relative to China.

普京执掌国家大权正直俄罗斯社会处于一个内外交困的历史关头。Putin came into power at the historical crisis that Russia was beset with difficulties both at home and abroad.

内外交困的广州大本营,不能不做现实考虑,与苏俄接触。Beset by external and internal troubles, the headquarters had no choice but to take the pragmatic step of contacting Soviet Russia.

宋中期之时,政局虽然取得了初步稳定,然内外交困的国情又再次让文人忧心忡忡。In Song medium term, the Council achieved initial stability, but external and internal conditions were worried for the literati again.

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提出如何突破环境行政内外交困的境况,是当前中国政府的重要课题。It is proposed that, the important issue of Chinese Government at present is how to break through the situation of complicated environmental administration.

在内外交困的严峻形势下,前原这位得力干将的离去从根本上动摇了菅直人政权的基础,导致政权运行更趋艰难。In the External and grim situation, the skeleton staff before the departure of the original fundamentally shaken the political foundation Kan, resulting in more power to run hard.

由于该公司内外交困,急需周转资金,经历别无他法,只能被迫接受哪家公司提出的苛刻条件。Plagued by both internal and external troubles, the company was in urgent need of money, so the manager had no way out but be pressured into accepting the harsh terms offered by that company.