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成就不过是镜花水月?That achievement is at bottom empty?

过去就是过去了,不要留恋镜花水月。The past is the past, don't miss nothing else.

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镜花水月中的倒影。In the fanciful reflection of the moonlit water.

但是在25年之后,DRDO的导弹仍然是镜花水月。However, 25 years later the DRDO missiles remain off target.

可还记得那迷恋镜花水月的日子吗?Still remember the days when you are infatuated with mirage?

然而,这种感觉也只不过是镜花水月,很快就要消弭殆尽。But this feeling was an illusion that is rapidly dissipating.

然而,烦躁的都市啊,请不要忘记,这世界本是镜花水月。However, whiny urban, please don't forget, the world is an illusion.

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那只是一场镜花水月杂用英语说?That passes just like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the lake.

但是,在后现代世界中,阶级与种族也如镜花水月,难以捉摸。But each of these, too, becomes anything but predictable in a postmodern world.

在她刚一把他提到了手、要使他成为自己所独有的时候,却象镜花水月一样,消灭不见了。The moment she had grasped him to keep for her own, had disappeared like a shape in a vision.

多亏了卡莉,现在赶超IBM已经镜花水月,这种希望比她当选参议员的可能性还要渺茫。Thanks to Carly, that notion is off the table. You'll see her elected Senator before that happens.

终于明白生活中有太多不公。有的人付出全部依旧镜花水月。Finally understand that life has too much injustice. Some people devote all their still unfulfilled.

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中国的出口部门被长期锁定在劳动密集型的低端产业,农民工提高收入的愿望就像是镜花水月。On the other hand, in a long run, the exporting departments in China are limited in the low degree of labor-intensive industry.

居住在白色篱栅环绕的别墅之中,乃是许多人的梦想,然而次贷危机使这个梦想成了镜花水月。Hope of living behind a white picket fence was dashed with the mortgage crisis, but the dream is about much more than homeownership.

散一墨砚香,挥毫而就成一段清丽光年,纵然是举案齐眉的执手之约也终不过是镜花水月般的飘渺如烟。A fragrant ink, paint and became a beautiful light, even the handle him about all is but a mirage, insubstantial objects like a smoke.

审美乌托邦、田园牧歌情调以及禅宗式超越的精神追寻,营造出废名小说中一个个镜花水月般的“梦幻”世界。Aesthetic Utopia, idyllic style and spiritual pursuit with a characteristic of Zen, all these create a "dream-like" world in Fei Ming's novels.

巴尔的演讲也成了镜花水月,“匿名”攻击三周之后,他正式提交了辞呈,并称他相信HBGary有能力“度过难关。”Barr never delivered his speech and when he tendered his resignation three weeks after the Anonymous attack, he said he was confident HBGary would be able to "weather this storm."