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把所有的丑闻都说给我听。Give me all the dirt.

奴隶劳动的丑闻。Slave labor scandals.

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这解释了Abu,Ghraib监狱丑闻。This explains Abu Ghraib.

这是一个可耻的丑闻,对气候的损害将是灾难性的。It's a disgraceful scandal.

1999年,一桩丑闻被披露了。In 1999a scandal was revealed.

媒体爆出了一桩丑闻。The media dredged up a scandal.

他们嘁嘁喳喳地谈论丑闻。They are buzzing over the scandal.

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他们在嘁嘁喳喳地议论丑闻。They are buzzing about the scandal.

加泰罗尼亚语媒体惊叫着“丑闻!”The Catalan media screamed "scandal!".

恐怕更多人想知道他们如何摆脱一身的丑闻吧。More like knows how to roll the blunts.

他详述了有关该丑闻的细节。He retailed the story about the scandal.

这件丑闻给他的事业投上了一层阴影。The scandal cast a shadow on his career.

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这桩丑闻最终使他身败名裂。The scandal finally led to his downfall.

他谈到最近的食品安全丑闻。He points to recent food-safety scandals.

他的名声被丑闻沾污了。His reputation was tinted by the scandal.

丑闻传出,举国哗然。The scandal titillated the whole country.

他的名声被丑闻沾污了。Hiss reputation was tinted by the scandal.

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许多金钱丑闻总是有性这个因素从中作梗。Many money scandals have a sexual element.

那个人在什么地方都会探听出丑闻。That man will nose out a scandal anywhere.

谎言没长脚,丑闻却长了翅膀。A lie has no legs, but a scandal has wings.