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杨必须离开。Yang must go.

我要离开这儿!Get outta here!

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他已经离开开封3年了。K. F for 3 years.

只要能离开就好孒。But I want to end.

他发出嘘声赶走他离开。He shoos him away.

我要离开英国了。I am leaving Engl.

离开李树。Off the plum tree.

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请马上离开吧。Right away please.

然后他们离开两个班。And they left them.

他打手势示意我离开。He motioned me away.

你为什么要离开?Why are you leaving?

她已经离开那个律师。She’d left the lawyer.

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鱼离开水就会死的。Fish dies out of water.

他突然离开她。He broke away with her.

他在深秋时节离开的。He left in late autumn.

我们要离开一会儿。We are off for a while.

我们离开这!Vamos embora! We're off!

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她离开宴席了!She is leaving the table!

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我得离开这儿了。I’ve gotta get outta here.