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我们还有组分含量。And we have compositions.

想在膳食中降低脂肪的含量?Want to cut fat in meals?

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原料中微尘含量过多。High micro dust in material.

gA在乳汁中含量较多They're also enriched in milk.

别名甘是被压抑的钠含量。Byname is Pent-sodium Phosphate.

油分含量也具有同样特性。Oil content has the same regulation.

目的测定香菊总黄酮含量。Objective To determine the flavonoid.

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哪些食物雄性激素含量高?Which food androgen contents are high?

技术含量低的非电子数据盗窃。"Low-tech," non-electronic data theft.

这种烹调油胆固醇含量低。This cooking oil is low in cholesterol.

鹌鹑蛋胆固醇含量高,不宜多吃。Quail eggs are very high in cholesterol.

证据就是脂肪含量下降的布丁。The proof is in the reduced-fat pudding.

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预料一下黄色甜椒中的维生素C含量。Think yellow bell peppers for vitamin C.

豫麦49在壤土条件下种植蛋白质和淀粉含量都较高。That of Yumai 49 was higher in loam also.

红鱼粉含量对特定生长率影响显著。The RFM content affects SGR significantly.

其中含量最高的物质为丁子香酚。The highest content in the oil is eugenol.

含油率、油酸含量又共同决定油用品种等级。It is a decisive factor in the oil quality.

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惊讶于卡路里含量过高还是过低Surprised on the high side or the low side?

中华绒螯蟹钾的含量明显高于钠。The content of kalium was more than sodium.

他们工种的技术含量大幅度提高。Their jobs have been drastically upskilled.