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正式照会实质上是正式的个人函件。Formal Note is essentially a formal personal letter.

尽管如此,卢的经纪人已经照会过湖人,希望湖人考虑一下他的客户!However, Lue's agent, Andy Miller, has called the Lakers about his client.

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中方还就此向美方递交了正式照会。The Chinese side also presented an official note on the matter to the U.S. side.

随同这个乐观的评估,我必须要完全坦白委托一个谨慎的照会。Along with this optimistic estimate , I must in all candor leave one note of caution.

对于你提到的菲律宾方面致联合国照会所述内容,中国政府不能接受。As for the content of the note you mentioned, the Chinese Government finds it unacceptable.

中国政府同时将此立场照会英国政府。The Chinese government also sent a note to the British government, reiterating its position.

7月将与法国照会,它会告诉人们,今年的卫冕王者是如何缔造的。Playing France in July should tell us more about what the defending champions are made of this year.

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而据俄RIA通讯社消息,俄驻美使馆一名发言人证实外交照会已经发出。A spokesman for Russia's embassy in Washington confirmed the note had been sent, RIA news agency said.

夜景照会让观者去细细思考每一张照片,去想象一张照片是怎样拍成的。This kind of photography involves thinking each photog carefully, visualize how the photo is going to be.

要排队,只要用眼神和服务人员照会一下,不必发出太大声响或手势。To get in this queue, you need to catch the barman's eye, without making any noise or too much gesticulation.

然后,外交部并未在周二约见中国参赞的时候递交照会。The DFA, however, did not hand the Chinese embassy a note verbale when it summoned the charged'affaires on Tuesday.

因此,郑说,好的婚纱照会既给结婚夫妇又给客人可以回忆的故事。Therefore, Zheng says, good wedding photos with stories attached give both the couple and guests something to recall.

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中国立即对此表示抗议,并照会越南大使,对河内此举表达愤怒。China immediately protested and summoned Vietnamese Ambassador here and conveyed its resentment over the move by Hanoi.

在莫斯科,俄罗斯照会韩国和美国大使,以表达对这次实战演习的“极度担忧”。In Moscow, Russia summoned the South Korean and U. S. ambassadors to express "extreme concern" about the live-fire drills.

缅甸政府经常照会泰国,要求防止反政府组织在泰国领土从事政治或军事活动。The Burmese government often asks Thailand to prevent anti-regime groups from engaging in political or military activities on Thai soil.

日本政府照会了中国大使,并提交了正式抗议,声称这七个中国激进分子无视不得侵入的警告。Japan's government summoned China's ambassador to lodge an official protest, saying the seven activists ignored a warning not to trespass.

恒天然照会圣元,同样的奶粉原料从本土和从欧洲进口乳浆清。雌激素被禁止加入奶粉产品。邓说。Fonterra noted that Synutra. also sourced milk locally and imported whey powder from Europe. Estrogen hormones are banned in milk powder products, Deng said.

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这封信是卡尔豪就英国的一份照会的回答,英国照会上说,英国希望结束任何地方的奴隶制,卡尔豪为美国南方的奴隶制而辩护。The letter was Calhoun's answer to a British note saying that Britain wished to end slavery wherever it existed. Calhoun defended slavery in the American south.

办公桌井然有序但又不失生气,一盆绿植加一张家中宠物犬的靓照会让同事觉得,在威严背后,你和他们是一样的。Quite organized but not too bland desk, with a pot plant and a snap of your Labrador, should reassure your colleagues that beneath your superpowers you are human.

当问到中国-俄罗斯与国际原子能机构总干事天野之弥的外交照会时,姜只表示中国相信能够通过外交对话解决问题。Asked about the Chinese-Russian diplomatic note to International Atomic Energy Agency chief Yukiya Amano, Jiang would only say that China believes in resolving the dispute through dialogue.