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“趵突”不仅字面古雅,而且音义兼顾。"Sudden leap" is not only the literal quaint, but both sound and meaning.

语言是一种音义结合的符号系统,也是一个动态平衡的系统。Language is a symbolic system which combines pronunciation and meaning together.

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在现代诗词中存在着音义同构的现象。In modern poetry, there are sound and meaning with the structure of the phenomenon.

长期以来,语言符号的音义关系是语言学家们争论的焦点问题。In my article these changes are named the "return on the relation of form and meaning".

文章就此类音义错位现象选例作一些辨析。The author attempts to address this issue by analyzing some examples of this phenomenon.

在汉语言中,词是语言中最小的音义结合的能够独立运用的单位。In Chinese, word is the smallest union of pronunciation and meaning, which can be use independently.

见其形不知音义。本文搜集了一些常用词并做了简单注释,希望有助于这种境况的解决。This article is focused on the compensation of there kinds of words , hoping to solve relevant problems.

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村语中有一批词语与粤语中的词语在音义上都有对应的关系,称为关系词。There are some relative words with the similar sound and meaning between Cantonese dialect and Cun language.

现代汉语单音节反义词的音义之间存在一定的对应关系。A certain connection has been detected between the sounds and meanings of monosyllabic acronyms in modern Chinese.

经过细心筛选,我们收录了463个汉泰音义近似词。After careful screening we finally have selected a body of 463 vocabulary items showing parallels between Chinese and Thai.

首先根据象似性理论,大量词汇的音形和音义是有理可依的,对于学习者扩大词汇量有很大的帮助。According to this theory, there is the motivation between the meaning and form or between the meaning and sound of the words.

然而,这个定义却不适用于以表义字为基础发展起来的音义文字系统。However, this definition does not apply to the word for justice form the basis of sound and meaning developed writing system.

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以历史文献为依据,运用语言学方法,首次考证出“蜀”字古音义同“独”。We have proved Shu" is the same as Du" in pronunciation and meaning on the basis of historical documents and linguistic methods.

朝鲜语的一些固有词与汉语词有音义对应关系。There're many regular patterns of phonetic and semantic correspondences between connatural Korean words and those in ancient Chinese.

戴侗词源研究的另一个特点是从声音上贯通古今雅俗词语,寻找它们之间音义上的联系。Dai's other contribution of etymological study was to connect formal and informal words by sounds to seek their relations in sound and meaning.

汉代学者运用声训所取得的训诂成就,把音义关系研究推进了一大步。In the Han Dynasty, scholars advanced the study of relationship between sound and meaning by using the achievement of xungu on the base of shengxun.

因为在音译过程中,纯音译方法存在问题,所以音译应遵循约定俗成、音义结合等原则。Because of the existing problems in it pure transliteration should be carried out on the principle of establishing by popular usage and combining phonetics with meaning.

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巴蜀文字是战国时期开明王朝遗留下来的文字,音义久已失传。The characters of Ba and Shu are bequeathed by enlightened dynasties in the Warring States Period, and the sounds and meanings of the characters have been lost for a very long time.

汉字的理据就是汉字的字式结构的道理和根据,体现了汉字形音义三者相互联系的内在规律。Knowing their reasons and rules is the key to the improvement of Chinese characters' teaching in TCSL, that is, Chinese characters are the combination of structure, sound and meaning.

根据上面的理论,我们采用一系列词书作为工具,进行搜集汉泰语在音义方面有对应关系的目标词。Based on the above theories we managed to search out target words in Thai and Chinese which are of correspondence both in meaning and sound, by resorting to a series of lexicon tool books.