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它会给恐怖分子一把核保护伞。It would give terrorists a nuclear umbrella.

然后,才慢腾腾的添加治理这把保护伞。Then, belatedly, an umbrella of governance would be added.

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只不过老克把他自己的火箭人标志穿在身上当作保护伞而已。But Clemens has adopted this Rocketman persona and wears it like a shield.

应废除“核保护伞”和“核共享”的政策与实践。Abolishment of "nuclear umbrella " and "nuclear sharing" policies and practices.

还是说,是否有某些言论不在"言论条款"的保护伞之下?Or are certain types of speech outside the umbrella coverage of the Speech Clause?

幸福的威尔伯也从此有了自己的保护伞和好朋友。Since then, the well-being of Wilbur also have their own umbrella and a good friend.

比如,我们不妨把核保护伞从以色列扩大到咱们的阿拉伯朋友。We could, for instance, extend our nuclear umbrella beyond Israel to our Arab friends.

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他们也不会向亚太地区由美国主导的安全保护伞发起挑战。Nor do they challenge the United States-led security umbrella for the Asia-Pacific region.

穿上大衣的指甲增强剂的提示您的指甲充当保护伞。Put on a coat of nail strengthener to the tips of your nail to act as a protective shield.

在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。They live in Gotham city, officials colluded with the gang, the police are criminals umbrella.

事实上,许多国家依靠其有核盟国提供“核保护伞”。In fact, many states rely on “nuclear umbrellas” provided by their allied nuclear-armed states.

而他们觉得自己能够扯下这弥天大谎而依然逍遥法外的唯一原因,就是他们拥有一把掩盖秘密的保护伞。The only reason they thought they could get away with it was because they had a guaranteed cloak of secrecy.

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由于小丑鱼与有毒性的海葵共生,有此保护伞,活捉困难度高。Clownfish live in symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones, which protect them and make them difficult to catch.

20年前,当我第一次访问蒙古时,他刚刚脱离长达70年的苏维埃保护伞,正在复兴。Twenty years ago, when I first visited Mongolia, it had just emerged from seven decades under the Soviet umbrella.

英格兰队从一个需要洋教练保护伞的一流队伍变成即使在潮湿的温布利也能意气风发的胜利者。England have gone from the wally with the brolly to a manager who'd still look triumphant on a wet night at Wembley.

屋顶结构由波纹金属片组成,其作用是避免积水,为建筑形成一个保护伞,免受风雨雷电。The roof structure consists of corrugated metal sheets that repel water and form a protective canopy from the elements.

另外一种变更的可能性就是让那些曾在第一个赛季开销很多的球队获得‘保护伞式扶助金’。Another possible change would be to allow a team that has spent a lot in their first season to receive parachute payments.

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诚信经营托起市场繁荣一片天,放心消费撑起消费维权保护伞。Credit management in order to market prosperity, one day, rest assured consumption propping up consumer rights protection.

由于老虎自身的魅力和生态作用,有效地保护老虎可以为整个生物多样性提供一个保护伞。Given the appeal and ecological role of tigers, their effective conservation can provide an umbrella for all biodiversity.

PRA是一个带“保护伞”色彩的医学术语,它包括所有导致渐进性视网膜萎缩的遗产性疾病。The term PRA is an "umbrella" word that includes all inherited diseases that cause progressive degeneration of the retina.