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低卡美食亲手做!Cook up a low-cal storm!

是我亲手划开的。I personally plan to open.

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我亲手做的这个桌子。I created that desk by hand.

他一定会把末日亲手带来。He will bring up the dooms day.

因此我得亲手采取行动。I must act for myself, therefore.

可是,亲爱的,你已身处樊笼,是你亲手建起来的。Well baby, you're already in that cage.

温雪也在为恋人节亲手制造着礼品。Also in WenXue for lovers day with k gifts.

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您可以尝试亲手准备并且烹饪泰式菜肴。Learn to prepare and cook by you own hands.

台灯怎么样?我们亲手做一个。How about desk lamp? We make it by ourselves.

女王将亲手赠送礼品。The Queen will make the presentation herself.

亲手做一张卡片会花上妳很多时间。Making a handmade card takes you so much time.

您将亲手来开发这些解决方案。You will be developing hand-crafted solutions.

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比如说,亲手制作,亲耳听见。For instance, to do something or hear yourself.

那时的年货全都是自己家里亲手制作的。The New Year was all hand-made their own homes.

描述一个你自己亲手制作的东西。Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself ?

毕竟亲手做的东西是最好的礼物。After all, homemade projects make the best gifts!

曾经自己说过的承偌,却是自己亲手拍碎的。Once he said for the click is personally crushed.

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我要拔出刀来,亲手杀灭他们。I will draw my sword and my hand will destroy them.

阿曼达也肯定很想亲手触发那个石祭台。Amanda must want to activate the stone dais as well.

他们彼此交换着亲手做的小礼物。Exchanging little gifts they ve made for each other.