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让我们仔细自我省视!Let's examine ourselves carefully.

你是否曾省视一下欠债的原因。Have you ever scrutinized the reasons behind your debt problems?

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透过艺术,我得以在通往内心深处与外在世界的路径漫游,并且将省视的结果视觉化。Art shows me how to look at inner and outer worlds and make them visible in my own way.

不过,将性与身体的意义分开来省视,确实可以简化这个议题。The process can often be simplified, however, by divorcing sex from its physical expression.

通过一系列的治疗,我终于不用省视自己、鼓足勇气作决定。After all this research, I ended up making decisions out of my gut and out of knowing myself.

在这堂课里,这些主题在一种非常特定的演算脉络中,被以形态规则的方式被重新省视。In this module, these themes are revisited in a very specific computational context, that of shape grammars.

散文作为表现艺术的一个重要品类,它无疑是人类省视内心、观照心灵的最佳形式。Prose as performance art, an important category, it is the human heart, the soul meditation reflection best form.

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省视了齐沪扬先生已提出的一个空间系统体系,指出很有改进的必要。It investigated a spatial system proposed by Mr. Qi Huyang, and argued that there is necessity to modify this system.

这时,用那种办法即对困境的省视是对我们的诱惑,特别是对于那些当事者来说。At such times, it is tempting for all of us, especially those who suffer, to look back in that way is to look down a blind alley.

我请各位省视自己的内心,便可明白所有人类都有共同的梦想、相似的希望、同样的抱负、以及近似的问题。I ask you to look within yourselves, to understand that all of humanity has the same dreams, similar hopes, the same aspirations and similar problems.

我非常同意你关于赢得尊重的观点,但进一步地,在赢得别人的尊重之前,我们应该自我省视来找出问题根源。I can't agree with you more about winning over the respect, and furthermore, before winning respect from others, we need to check on ourselves and find out what the problems are.

对“教育的现代性”的关注源于人们对现代社会教育所面临的挑战和困境的焦虑和省视。Researchers focus on modernity of education as a result of their anxieties and inspections when they are facing the challenging and tight situations which modern education is in.

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先后任浙江省视学、浙江师范国文教员,上海大学、北大女子文理学院教授,一度赴英、美,均不久即返。Zhejiang Province has the inspection, and Zhejiang Normal Chinese teachers, Shanghai University, Beijing University Professor at the College of Arts woman once UK, the United States, were soon back.

“我需要一段时间喘口气,”埃尔文被认为不能在一学期中拿到学位,“我决定省视自己,想清楚我究竟想干什么。"I'm taking a break for a little while, " says Ervin, who was an estimated one semester shy of earning a degree in interdisciplinary studies. "I decided to check myself and realize what I want to do.