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你是我的马子!You're my girl.

对于我的马子,我有无限的爱恋。For my Ma, I have a boundless love.

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那个马子穿那件迷你裙超辣的。That chick is super hot in that mini-skirt.

我错过了面晤另一位马子骑女孩的机会哦!I missed the opportunity of meeting another MZQ girl!

你曾疑惑过为什么“坏小子”和罪犯们能泡到马子?Ever wonder why "bad boys" and criminals get the women?

看来我绝对不会有钓到马子的可能性了。My chances of ever being in a relationship are now next to zero.

为什么小龙女不愿意当奥巴马的马子啊?You want to see the organism hybridized from the dragon and the horse?

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陶三郎家好像很贫穷,平日都在马子才家吃饭。T'ao seemed to be very poor, and ate his meals at Ma's house every day.

我玩马子骑的时候,带着备胎、修理工具包以及足够的食品饮料。When I rode MZQ, I brought spare tubes, repair kits, and extra food and liquid.

到了第二年,马子才的妻子吕氏病死,他就暗暗看中陶三郎的姐姐黄英。The following year, Ma's wife Lu died, and Ma took a fancy to T'ao's sister, Huang Ying.

马子才并不惊慌,他照着黄英的办法,把菊花连根拔起来,自己守在一旁看如何变化。Remembering what Huang had done, he pulled the plant up and waited for the transformation.

他跟我说要努力设法跟马子说话,因为女孩子比较愿意提供帮助。He told me to make an effort to talk to chicks because girls are more willing to provide help.

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今年,我是第一个报名的马子骑选手,而且交了参赛费。This year, I was the first one to signup the MZQ as a participant and pay the application fee.

陶三郎每天去马子才住的北院,帮他培养菊花。Every day T'ao went to the north yard where Ma lived, and helped him care for the chrysanthemums.

喔,E连的兄弟,别担心,你们跑步的时候我们会带你们的马子去看电影的。Oh, Easy company, and while you're running, don't worry, we'll take your dames to the movies for you.

只要我们看到任何马子骑车手,我们都会减速并查问他们是否需要帮助,或者是否要求上汽车。Whenever we saw any MZQ biker, we slowed down and checked whether they need help or would get on the car.

不数日,姐弟两人到了马子才家,很喜欢这里的清静,便住了下来。Several days later, the brother and sister arrived at Ma's house. They appreciated there and decided to stay.

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这也是“泡马子”的另一方面,包括愚蠢的游艺团骗术、小礼品和泡马子条例。There's also the whole other side to 'pick up', which involves silly carnival tricks, gimmicks, and pick up lines.

黄英只是微笑,意似允许。马子才便选了个好日子,把黄英迎娶到北院。She merely smiled and nodded her head, so Ma chose a propitious day for marriage, and brought her to the north yard.

如果这也不起作用,富会安排一个看起来像黑帮的人打电话或者拜访他,警告他离他的马子远一点。If that doesn’t work, Tomiya arranges for a man who sounds like a gangster to phone or pay him a visit and tell him to take his hands off his girl.