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它驾驶轮船安全入港。He guided the ship safely into harbor.

如果船只被拒绝入港,其他港口将被告知。If a ship is denied entry, other ports will be told.

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船只入港可获得拖轮和汽艇。Tug boats and launches into the territory available.

我想趁船入港时上岸观光一番。I would like to do some sightseeing while ship is in port.

他们全都请求帮助,引导他们入港。They have all requested for help to guide them into the harbor.

船长超过121.92米的船入港是有危险的。Ship captain over 121.92 meters into the territory is dangerous.

伦敦港禁止所有来自波罗的海的船只入港。The port of London laid an embargo on all ships coming from the Baltic.

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罢工还延误了巴拉那港其它船舶的入港时间。Entry of other ships has also been delayed at Paranagua port due to the strike.

当你的海军获准入港后,你可以将你的战舰停泊在其他国家的港口。When naval access is granted, you can dock your ships in another country's port.

当我们的游船即将出发的时侯,另外一艘游船正好入港。When our boat was ready to set out, another boat was coming back to the harbour.

如果船只直接进入泊位,应在获得入港许可、靠泊后发出备妥通知。If the vessel directly berths, NOR shall be tendered upon berthing after free pratique.

“当被拒绝入港后,他们开始返回,目前仍是这一情况,”他说。"When they were refused entry they began heading back and that remains the situation", he said.

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本周至少有一名1989时代的学生领袖被拒入港,但是另外的一人成功进入了香港。This week it turned away at least one 1989-generation student leader , but let another enter the territory.

如果船只被拒绝入港,其他港口将被告知。那么,该船只所悬挂国旗的国家必须采取行动。If a ship is denied entry, other ports will be toldandAnd the nation whose flag it is sailing under must take action.

兄妹二人非法入港相依为命,希望借由毒品生意改善生活。Sibling 2 people are illegal haven depends on each other, business of narcotics of hope by means of improves the life.

货船本应于8月4日在阿尔及利亚入港,但却转头驶向西大西洋。It was due to make port in Algeria on 4 August, but seemingly changed direction, heading out into the western Atlantic.

外国的船舰只是被要求对入港停靠码头进行了规划,而对石油泄漏的响应或援救的规划则是一片空白。Foreign- flagged vessels are not required to carry plans for oil spill response or salvage, except for ports where they intend to dock.

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这一两级分类航管系统得到国际民航部门及加勒比海国家的同意,目前航道已经开通,救灾航班陆续入港。The two-tier system for managing air traffic was agreed to by international aviation authorities and Caribbean states, and flights have resumed.

港区内修建大量木质码头及小型泊位,以供所有入港商船下锚停泊。Massive wooden wharves are built out into the bay, with smaller jetties coming off those to provide enough moorings to satisfy virtually all comers.

朗维尤美国华盛顿州西南一城市,位于温哥华市以北哥伦比亚河沿岸。为一输入港,木材和纸浆工业发达。人口31,499。A city of southwest Washington on the Columbia River north of Vancouver. A port of entry, it has a large lumber and pulp industry. Population, 31, 499.