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其中“领悟式”的批评方法,对于后世诗话具有垂范作用。The criticism way of" apperception type" was helpful to the poetic criticism of aftertime.

本论文共分三个部分,第一部分为第一章即略论理性在宋诗话中的兴起和发展。The first chapter that a brief discussion of the rise and development of reason in Song dynasty poetics.

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从诗话角度切入,研究晚明时期的竟陵派是很有必要的。So it's necessary to penetrate from the Poetry for exploring the role of Jing-ling Group in late Ming dynasty.

日本诗话在中国以外的诗话家族中堪称大宗,是诗学领域中一笔宝贵的财富,值得我们去挖掘和探索。The Japanese poetical talks which is a large amount of poetical talks beside China and is a wealth of poetics domain.

梁章钜的诗话,是一座有待进一步挖掘的学术宝藏。As one of the important components of his entire writings, Liang's poetry is an academic treasure to be further explored.

第一部分是引言,主要阐述宋代禅宗的兴起和诗话创作的繁荣,考辨禅宗与诗歌、诗话的关系。The first part mainly introduces the development of Zen Buddhism in Song Dynasty as well as the prosperousness of poetic talks.

赋话是一种近于诗话之漫谈随笔性质的赋学理论批评形式。Fu note is a Fu theory critical uniform which is similar to the informal essay and chatting characteristic of poem note in acient China.

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本文主要从历代诗话中搜寻资料,来探究鲍照诗歌在后代的接受史。This dissertation searches data mainly from poetry talks through the ages and explores Bao Zhao poetry acceptance history from his later ages.

历代诗话的文体源头是六朝笔记小说,故诗话这一批评文体的“血缘”是文学的而非理论的。Poetry is the ancient style of the source of the Six Dynasties novels, so this criticism Poetry style of "blood" is a literary rather than theory.

诗话是我国一种独具特色的论诗体裁,传入日本以后受到了日本学者的广泛关注,创作了不少日本诗话。The poetical talks is a special type of literature criticism, after it went to Japan, the Japanese scholars created a lot of Japanese poetical talks.

对诗话的研究,有利于探讨茶陵派的理论基石,特别是茶陵派“格调”说的形成对整个明代诗话理论产生深远的影响。It studies this theoretics can help us to elaborate on their system info, especially the Gediao theory has far-reaching influences on the later theory.

△凡诗创作、诗论、诗话、诗人、评论家、翻译家、汉学家专访,诗坛信息、史料等,均表欢迎。Welcome are those poetic works, poetic criticisms, poetic stories and interviews of poets, critics, translators and sinologists and historical materials.

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人们从朝鲜诗话“学诗者“接受的视角,可以看出说话人的背景和特殊意义。From the "Chinese poetry learner" perspective, it can be inferred of their unique background, which is of significant importance to understand their notes.

初期诗话以其丰富的内容、自由的体制和活泼的风格为诗话的繁荣发展奠定了坚实的基础。In the early years poem words with it enriched of contents, free system and cheery style for the prosperous development of poem words laid solid foundation.

因此,以中国诗话词话的观念为主线,以西方诗学为参照,可以论证中国诗学的基本特性。Therefore, on the basis of the Chinese poetic conception the basic characteristics of Chinese society can be demonstrated in the light of the western poetics.

梁章钜诗话有着鲜明的区域性和丰富的理论性,他对传统诗话理论的传承和论述的时代色彩,体现了当时的文学思潮。With the regional distinction, rich theory, the heredity of the traditional poetry theory and times marks, Liang's poems reflected the prevailing literary trends then.

禅作为一种文化现象对中国文学理论产生过重要影响,尤其是“诗话”这种类似语录体的诗评形式就是直接习自禅家的一个成果。Chan, as a cultural phenomenon, has important influence on literary theory of China, especially Peotry Talks similar to form of quotation comes directly from Chan sect.

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明代诗话所阐述的诗学理论,主要集中在格调说、复古论、分唐界宋之争这三个问题上。The theory of poetry in Ming Dynasty mainly centers on three questions, that is, of style, of returning to the ancients, and of defining poems in Tang or Song dynasties.

比较中国诗话与西方诗学是寻求跨越时空的共同诗学规律,是比风格,比特征。The paper makes a comparison between Chinese poetry talks and western critique in order to find their common rules in trans-space and trans-time, the different styles and features.

中唐诗文大家韩愈,在宋代诗话批评中受到广泛的关注,人们结合历史时期诗学趣尚对其进行了多方面、多角度的论评。As a well-known poet in Middle-Tang Dynasty. Han Yu was extensively concerned about. The critics linked with poetical fashion of the times, criticized his poems from various angles.