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因此蒜泥蛋黄酱的种类将是无穷无尽的。So the number of types of aioli is infinite.

将白切肉片蘸蒜泥汁食用。Serve cold sliced pork with garlic soya sauce as a dip.

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蒸熟了,沾上醋和蒜泥儿吃。Steamed and coated with vinegar and garlic to eat children.

蒜泥加酱油,也可配萝卜条等。Garlic Puree and soy sauce, can also be assigned, such as radish.

再将蒜泥、生姜和红番椒放入锅内,再加入胡椒粉,炒2至3分钟。Add the garlic, ginger and chilli pepper and fry for a further 2 or 3 minutes.

快速倒入热牛奶,不停地搅拌,并加入蒜泥和盐。Add hot milk in a fast stream, whisking vigorously, and whisk in garlic and salt.

将蒜泥加入黄油、辣椒粉,搅拌直到充分混合。Add butter, granulated garlic, and cayenne and whirl until smooth and well blended.

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有时,人们也喜欢蘸蒜泥、包黄瓜或萝卜丝。Sometimes people would like to put in mashed garlic and cucumber or carrot strips as well.

一个典型的餐始于一些凉菜,像水煮花生、蒜泥黄瓜和横冲直撞。A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic.

研究了方便型软包装蒜泥的生产工艺条件。The preparation technology of garlic puree with convenient sof packaging was studied in this paper.

如果在吃前,再加入蒜泥、葱花等调味品,吃起来就更有味道。If you eat before, and then adding garlic, green onion and other spices, to eat up even more flavor.

将番红花蒜泥蛋黄酱薄薄一层的涂在长方形的糕点切刀,放在四个盘子上并放入冰箱。Spread a layer of saffron aïoli into the rectangular pastry cutters, positioned on four plates, and refrigerate.

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总之,我妈妈总是能做出很棒的三明治,她会放很多蔬菜,鸡肉,鳄梨,番茄和蒜泥蛋黄酱。Anyhow, my mother always made the best sandwiches filled with greens, chicken, avocado, tomatoes and always aioli.

在这推荐你吃肉燥饭,配上一碗鱼丸汤和一些浇有蒜泥的台湾当地煮熟青菜。The stewed pork on rice, with fish-ball soup and blanched Taiwanese-style greens topped with minced garlic, are recommended.

在前人对洋葱泥红变的研究基础上,研究了蒜泥绿变的机理。Mechanism of greening of garlic purees was studied in the article, based on the previous studies of reddening of onion bulb purees.

对即食蒜泥的加工工艺进行探讨,研究其不同处理方法对蒜泥绿变、褐变的影响。The processing technology and the factors affecting the greening and browning of prepared garlic puree are investigated in this paper.

逛商店的时候,不要总是突发奇想,比如要买一个粉碎机回去做蒜泥,你不觉得我这个机器比较经济吗?Shopping, don't always abrupt fantasy, such as buying a masticator to return to do mashed garlic, don't you think I this machine more economy?

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蒜泥可以解油腻,将片好的烤鸭蘸着蒜泥、酱油吃,在鲜香之中,更增添了一丝辣意,风味更为独特。Garlic Puree solution can be greasy, good-duck Zhanzhao Garlic Puree, eating soy sauce, Xianxiang, adding a glimmer of a more spicy Italian, more unique flavor.

购买蚵仔面线时,商家通常会问要不要加辣,此外也可多加醋、蒜泥、香菜等调味。When serving, the shop owner often provides the choice of spicy or not spicy. Finally, vinegar, ground garlic, cilantro, and other condiments can also be added.

馄饨馅料丰富,猪肉牛肉、虾肉鱼肉皆可,口味也多,骨头汤的、鸡汤的、红油的、蒜泥的、泡菜的等等。Wonton's fillings are abundant. Pork, beef, shrimp and fish all are ok. It also has dissimilar flavors, with bone soup, chicken soup, chili oil, garlic or pickles.