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非常哥特,非常阴森。very gothic, very moody.

在这样一幢阴森恐怖的房子里真让人觉得害怕。It felt sick to be in such a horrible house.

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的确,他天生目光阴森险毒。He certainly possesses the gift of the evil eye.

吊在天花板上的骨头就像是一个阴森的枝形吊灯。Bones hung from the ceiling like a macabre chandelier.

在我看来那个阴森的埃及人似乎会使太阳都变得黯淡无光。That dark Egyptian seems to me to sadden the very sun.

他的回答,第一次让我产生了阴森可怖的感觉。His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

一名顾客经过阴森恐怖的杰克逊童话画作。A customer walks past the eerie Jackson fairy tale painting.

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阴森的石头建筑的屋顶是黑压压的警察。The roofs about the grim stone building were black with police.

那儿貌似没有阳光,整天黑蒙蒙的,一种阴森恐怖的气氛。There seems to be no sunshine all day long, dark, a somber mood.

美国和欧洲都视10月31日为阴森的节庆。This eerie festivity is observed in America and Europe on October 31.

到处装点着凶恶的家族肖像和阴森的动物头颅。It was decorated with sinister family portraits and looming animal heads.

整个古槐村笼罩着一股阴森恐怖的气息。Village of whole Gu Huai is enveloping breath of a ghastly bloodcurdling.

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已经逝世和安葬的夫人的肖像被镶嵌在用可怕的绷带包扎起来的画框中,看起来阴森可怖。The dead and buried lady was awful in a picture-frame of ghastly bandages.

那些照片巧妙地拍得十分阴森恐怖,他们看起来就是人肉。The photos were expertly gruesome, they seemed to be pulps of human beings.

夜晚穿过墓地是我所能想到的最阴森可怕的事情。Walking through a graveyard at night is the spookiest thing I can think of.

塔沙克创造出一只阴森的旗子,以尸体的血肉与白骨制成。Tarshark creates a grim flag which is made by the flesh and bones of corpses.

你家看起来好阴森喔。有木乃伊、狼人,甚至还有僵尸。Your house looks really spooky. There are mummies, werewolves and even zombies.

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那刑台的存在足以使那一带显得阴森恐怖。The presence of this gibbet sufficed to render gloomy all the surrounding places.

像喷火的怪兽轰鸣着穿过夜阴森交错的白牙。Like a gryphon puffing flames, crashed through Night's staggered saber-like tusks.

从前的童话都是充满了曲折情节和阴森结局的。Fairy tales of the past were often full of macabre and gruesome twists and endings.