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何谓“葱郁的睫毛”?What are “lush eyelashes”?

何谓“浓密的睫毛”?What are “dense eyelashes”?

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能借我用睫毛夹吗?Can I use your eyelash curler?

我想要把我的睫毛刷得浓密点。I want my eyelashes to be thicker.

连个卷睫毛夹都怕。You're afraid of an eyelash curler.

我使用的是资生堂睫毛夹。I'm using Shiseido's Eyelash Curler.

眉毛或睫毛稀疏、色浅。Sparse eyebrows or eyelashes, Light.

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也公开了睫毛油组合物。There is also a mascara composition.

所有男人都怕睫毛夹。All men are afraid of eyelash curlers.

有一个睫毛长度滑动条。There is an eyelash length slider bar.

这只是用来帮我的睫毛往上卷。It just makes my eyelashes curl upwards.

睫毛真长啊!以后一定是个大美人!You must be logged in to post a comment.

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下睫毛刷法是睫毛棒左右刷即可。The bottom eye lashes apply left and right.

好的。要把睫毛烫卷曲吗?。I will, and curl it with the eyelash curler?

雪花片片落在鼻尖,落在睫毛上。Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.

她睫毛眨动并睁开了眼睛。Her eyelashes fluttered and she opened her eyes.

然而,它却变成雨珠掉落在我的睫毛上。However, it turns into rain drops in my eyelash.

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他说,“当时,我的睫毛都冻在了一起。”"My eyelashes were freezing together, " he says.

睫毛下的伤城路过了谁的风景谁的心。Eyelash Shangcheng passed under who view my heart.

我读了关于爱戴尔睫毛增长液的评论并决定试一试。I read the reviews for Ardell and decided to try it.