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这坏蛋得整治一下。That scoundrel needs to be punished.

这块地将在下个月某个时候整治。This plot will be prepared sometime next month.

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国土整治规划工作取得新进展。New progress has been made in territorial control planning.

航道整治工程常采用丁坝、锁坝等建筑物稳定河势。Spur-dike and closure dam are widely used in regulation works.

绿化工程是苏南运河整治工程中的一个组成部分。Greening engineering is a part of Sunan Canal regulation project.

另里一风车窗中,灰绿色彩草本连绵没有决,四高外非整治的罂粟。Beyond the other rolled a grey-green savannah, gashed with poppies.

链斗式挖泥船在浅滩整治,河道疏通方面起着不可估量的作用。The bucket dredger in Shoal, dredge river plays an invaluable role.

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国土整治研究取得多项成果。Many achievements have been made in research on territorial control.

村庄整治是社会主义新农村建设的核心内容。Village renovation is the core in building new socialist countrysides.

即便雾灾席卷伦敦,弄得人心惶惶,但对于它的源头却没有做及时的整治。While the fog horrified London, very little was done about its source.

整治后的张家浜体现出较高的生态系统服务价值。The ecosystem service value of the regulated river is greatly elevated.

责任编辑是整治学术腐败环节中的关键。The responsible editor is the key factor of governing academic corrupt.

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改革开放以来,中国政府开展了大规模的国土整治。Chinese government has carried out territorial control on a large scale.

这一数字不包括现在正采取整治措施的七个村庄。This is in addition to the seven villages that have now been remediated.

那么,如果在整治中发现了更加有害的产品呢?So what happens in the very likely event they find more tainted products?

蔬菜质量安全是今年“三湘农产品质量安全行”的整治重点。This year, the campaign laid stress on the quality & safety of vegetable.

三是整治出新房屋立面,油漆粉刷楼道内墙面和扶手。Third, a new housing to face-painting, wall painting and building handrails.

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河涌整治已经成为许多城市环境治理的重点。Watercourse regulation has become the focus of urban environmental treatment.

第五,深入开展安全生产专项整治。Fifth, we will launch an extensive campaign to solve production safety problems.

铬盐行业是我国重点整治的高污染行业,推行清洁生产势在必行。It is necessary to facilitate clean production in polluted chrome salt industry.