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你竟敢在太岁头上动土!How dare you say that to me!

你竟敢在太岁头上动土。You dare to beard the lion in his den.

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该工程于当天早上举行了动土仪式。A ground-breaking ceremony of the project was held in the morning.

来自瑞典的动画动土,特别FX和人物设计和开发。Groundbreaking animation, special FX and character design and development from Sweden.

位于美国南达科他州的“总统山”于1927年动土,首先雕刻的是乔治·华盛顿的头像。Construction on the South Dakota monument began in 1927 with the face of George Washington.

同时,本文指出挠动土的历史最大屈服压力可以结合双段线压缩模型,利用能量原理确定。It was shown that the normal consolidation pressure could be determined by the energy theory.

而由当时的动土看来好像他的团队已经取得的权利计划。And by the time of the groundbreaking it seemed as though his team had struck on the right plan.

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小老鼠居然敢在太岁爷头上动土,今天俺就让你们死无葬身之地!NND, small mice even dare Phi Thai head groundbreaking God, today you die without Let the bodies!

在150公顷的土地上建立“生态商务圈“的计划,已举行了庆祝第一阶段开工的动土仪式。A ceremony has been held to mark the start of phase-one construction, an "eco-business park" on 150 hectares.

拿你们现在所位于的大楼来说吧,在动土之前它的每个细节早就给设定好了。Take the building or the house that you're in now. It was created in every detail before the earth was touched.

墙后动土压力的增加为挡土墙的运动提供了条件。The increase of dynamic earth pressure in the back of structure provides the movement condition for the structure.

而在动土前,慈济志工像自家人一样协助设置,细心将铲子绑上彩带。Before the ground breaking ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers, like family members, thoughtfully tie ribbons onto the shovels.

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推导了加筋格宾挡墙在水平地震荷载作用下的竖向动土压力的振动方程。The vibration equation of vertical dynamic earth pressure of reinforced gabion wall under horizontal seismic loading is also derived.

为莫拉克风灾兴建的永久屋持续进行,在屏东长治大爱村就举行动土典礼,环保理念无所不在。More permanent housing for victims of Typhoon Morakot, as groundbreaking takes place at the Changzhi Da Ai Village in Pingtung County.

慈济志工举办动土奠基仪式,庆祝若笠乡迁村计画。Tzu Chi volunteers held a ground-breaking ceremony to celebrate the launch of a village relocation project for Rouli Township residents.

测定了地下结构内的动应力以及砂与地下结构接触面上的动土压力及加速度。The dynamic stresses in substructure and dynamic earth pressures and accelerations on interface between sand and substructure were measured.

总的土压力受最大动土压力影响较大,随深度增加有先降低、后增大的趋势。The total soil pressure is affected obviously by the maximum dynamic pressure. It decreases first and then increases when the depth increases.

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Voitenko说一个身份不明的男子在9月1日打电话给他,并警告说他是在“太岁头上动土”。Voitenko said an unidentified man called him on the night of 1 September and warned him he was "stepping on the heels of some serious people".

根据考虑变形的朗肯土压力模型,对被动土压力折减系数进行了理论探讨。According to Rankine earth pressure model considering deformation, the reduced coefficient of a passive earth pressure is explored theoretically.

培群举行扩建新教学楼动土仪式。三层楼高的新建筑的设施包括新的行政室,电脑室及课室。Ground-breaking ceremony for another expansion programme. The 3 storey high building included a new general office, computer laboratories and classroom.