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高强度,环保五毒。High strength, environmental protection not-toxic.

五毒是真正改变我们心意的终极杀手。Five Poisons is the killer who ultimately manipulates our mind.

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她设置了八杯水酒,其中两杯含有五毒圣物。She set up eight cups of wine, which contains two cups of Wudu holy.

这就是我们内心不要有这种心病,这种五毒或是三毒。So do not harbor these illnesses, the Five or Three Poisons, in the mind.

纵情于此五毒者,正制造著自己的苦难。People who unrestrainedly engage in the five poisons are creating their own misery.

因为结果,我们的过程,还是被我们心里的五毒所左右。Because at the end, our entire process are always being manipulated by our Five Poisons.

若长养知识,却徒增嫉妒与五毒,也是徒劳。It is futile to develop perverted knowledge that increases envy and the other five poisons.

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各炉食铺出售“五毒饼”,即以五种毒虫花纹为饰的饼。Shop the sale of the oven fresh " cake", that is, worm pattern in five of the cake for decoration.

云南五毒教教主蓝凤凰与令狐冲一见投缘,给令狐冲疗伤。SINS of yunnan teach hierarch blue phoenix and make fox blunt saw congenial to healing linghu chong.

早餐食大蒜、鸡蛋、烙油馍,这种食法据说可避“五毒”,有益健康。Breakfast eating garlic, eggs, baked bun oil, which is said to avoid "Five poisons" and keep healthy.

以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。It is famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, and poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

艾蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。Artemisia argyi high in front of dance, sickness, driving away evil gas, anti-Wudu, happily the Dragon Boat Festival.

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根据中国的神话故事,这是恶月中的恶日,瘟疫和五毒都会集中在这一天爆发。According to Chinese myths, this is an ominous day in the ominous month when pestilence and poisonous creatures outbreak actively.

庆阳虎、狮图案的单体香包和五毒簸箕、五毒帽等群体香包,都属于这一类。Qingyang tiger, lion pattern dustpan single sachet and the top five, top five caps and other groups, sachet, all belong to this category.

给小孩子戴虎头帽,穿五毒衣、五毒裤,佩戴香袋,拴五色丝线,都是为了祛崇。To dress a child in a tiger-like cap, a coat and trousers with the patterns of the five poisons and a five-color thread is also to drive away evils.

庆阳虎、狮图案的单体香包和五毒簸箕、五毒帽等群体香包,都属于这一类。Single Perfume bag with the embroidery of Qingyang tiger and lion, group perfume bag with the embroidery of poisonous dustpan and hat both belong to this type.

武当山内家功,为祖师爷张三丰所创。以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。Wudang internal martial art, created by founder Zhang Sanfeng, famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

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经过历险跋涉,五行狮终与五毒相遇并大打出手,五毒最后施法搬出高山挡道,并将山中唯一桥梁打断。Eventually, Five Elements Lion ran into Five Venom Spirits and started fighting. Five Venom Spirits blocked Lion out of the way by destroying the only bridge in the mountain.