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今天上午她情绪有点低落。She's a bit down this morning.

跳跃,低落,生来受苦。Jumped, humped, born to suffer.

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月亮代表地心低落!the moonlight stands for my heart!

怎么了,乔?你看起开很低落。What's up, Joe? You look down today.

谈论失败使球队士气低落。Talk of defeat had demoralized the team.

你怎么了,迈克尔?你看起开很低落。What's up, Michael? You look down today.

当我失意低落之时,我的精神是那么疲倦不堪。When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary.

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逻辑低落精选的复合视频产品。A logic low select composite video output.

感高涨处,理智就低落。Where passion is high there reason is low.

别在你心情低落的时候找我做心灵鸡汤!Don't take me as soul soup when u get upset!

他们在工作的时候也会高兴和低落。They have their ups and downs while working.

即将采取制裁的谣言能使士气低落。Rumors of impending sanctions can demoralize.

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例如,工作团队士气十分低落。For example, they are hugely demoralizing for teams.

他情绪越低落越是借酒浇愁。The more depressed he get, the more he turn to drink.

你非常难过,士气低落,甚至有点生气。You're unhappy, demoralized and maybe even a bit angry.

另外,生均教诲费的累退性在低落。In addition, the progressivity of education fee dropped.

员工们士气低落,不少人离开公司另谋出路。Morale was low and people were leaving the company fast.

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公司员工士气低落,部门经理间内斗不断。Morale was down. The division managers fought each other.

抑郁是指情绪“低落”,兴奋则是情绪“高涨”。Depression is "feeling down," while euphoria is "being high.

今日人人都喜上眉梢,没有一个感情低落的。Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb.