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重要的是你拉下拉杆的次数。It's the number of times you pull it down.

通过张拉径向钢拉杆的方法施加预应力。The prestress load was added by stretching radius rods.

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特里艾伦烧制螺栓在拉杆上中心铸造。Terry Allen burning off bolts on drawbar center casting.

想想这个情况,你应该拉拉杆吗?Considering the circumstances, should you pull the lever?

机械夹紧心轴,通过机床拉杆轴向操纵。Mechanical mandrel, axially actuated via machine pull rod.

安装转向阻尼器至轴支架和转向拉杆。Install steering damper onto the axle bracket and drag link.

调节前束可以通过调节横拉杆的长度来进行。This can be done through adjusting the length of the tie rod.

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拉杆是100,00举行防扩散最大功率最低产量钢。Tie rods are 100,00 psi minimum yield steel for maximum holding power.

阻风门拉杆控制化油器的阻风门。Resistance of the carburetor throttle control drawbars resistance throttle.

箱体设置有可调拉杆和滚轮。The suitcase body is provided with an adjustable drawbar and roller wheels.

我们在车的车盘和下拉杆上都发现了有电灼的痕迹。We found electrical burn marks on the roll bar and the car's undercarriage.

十字头与中间拉杆之间为销孔配合的法兰螺栓连接。This rigid connection ensures the concentricity of extension rod and crosshead.

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年生产球座、拉杆毛坯三百万件,球头拉杆总成五百万件。Production at the ball, drawbars rough 3000000, ball- drawbars assembly 5000000.

齿条一端连着拉杆,拉杆与车轮轴上的转向摇臂相连接。The tie rod at each end of the rack connects to the steering arm on the spindle.

横拉杆的设计是多目标优化设计,目标分别为变形最小、质量最轻。The tie-rod design is multi-objective that includes minimum distortion and mass.

该方法同样适用于机车水平牵引拉杆的运动学分析。This method is also suitable for locomotive horizontal drawbar kinetic analysis.

她用力推那手油门,差一点把细细的拉杆折断。She pushed the handthrottle with all her strength, almost snapping the thin lever.

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侧拉杆的布置是双横臂独立悬架系统设计过程中的难点。A general program for the double arm suspension and steering mechanism is formulated.

调节制动拉杆的长度,使制动杠杆臂后倾8度连接上。Brake rod length adjustment, so that braking lever arm backward 8 degrees connection.

我公司专业生产各类冰包、电脑包、女式包、登山包、拉杆包等。Our company specialized production each kind Ice package, Computer package and so on.