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这样就使铜镜更加繁华。This made the bronze mirrors more thriving.

您看,我手里拿的这枚铜镜。Look! What is in my hand is a bronze mirror.

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千秋镜指的就是铜镜。Qianqiu mirror refers namely to bronze mirror.

铜镜上的每个细节都有特别的含义。Every detail of bronze mirror has a special meaning.

看起来就像汉代一个巨大的铜镜。which looks like a huge bronze mirror of the Han Dynasty.

那么他为什么对铜镜如此重视?But why did he pay so much attention to the bronze mirror?

早在商朝就开始使用青铜镜了。Bronze mirrors began to be used as early as the Shang Dynasty.

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古代青铜镜的镜面有平面的,也有凸面的。The front of ancient bronze mirrors has flat and concave surface.

下面,我就为您介绍一枚唐代的铜镜。Now, I'd like to introduce to you a bronze mirror of Tang Dynasty.

铜镜的铸造业因此十分兴盛。The foundry industry of bronze mirror was therefore very thriving.

我们在参观博物馆时,常常看到各种古代铜镜。Whenever we visit a museum, we see various of ancient bronze mirrors.

在重多法宝中,铜镜的驱邪能力是最强的。In much magic, bronze mirrors of exorcising capacity is the strongest.

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在管道的另外一端安装了两面巨大的铜镜。Two massive copper mirrors are located on the opposite parts of the tube.

圆形的铜镜是花好月圆,团圆吉祥的象征。A round bronze mirror symbolizes the perfect conjugal bliss reunion and luck.

那个仆人把题了诗的铜镜带回来,交给了乐昌公主。The servant brought back the inscribed half of the mirror to princess Lechang.

此即古铜镜“水银沁”表面的形成机理。This is the formation mechanism of "Silvery- white" surface of ancient mirrors.

那个仆人把题了诗的铜镜带回来,交给了乐昌公主。The servant then took the inscribed half of the mirror back to Princess Lechang.

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唐玄宗曾经为这种铜镜写过一首诗。Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem for this kind of bronze mirror.

固着在铜镜上的花纹、铭文展示了汉代江南人的各种信仰和社会风俗。Design and inscription in the bronze mirrors show peoples beliefs and customs then.

我们从这块铜镜中就可以看出唐朝人所追求的这种美和精细。And we can know from this bronze mirror. The beauty pursued by them and its delicacy.