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他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。His ancestors ascend to the 15th century.

该座教堂建造的时间可上溯至中古世纪。The cathedral dates back to the Middle Ages.

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这一做法的历史可以上溯到古埃及时代。They have been doing so since ancient Egypt.

提起自己的血统,艾弗可以骄傲的上溯到寂静时代。Ivor proudly traces his lineage back to the Silence.

这个风俗可上溯到战国时期。The custom traces to the time of the Warring States.

去势术在中国的历史至少可上溯至公元前十一世纪。The history of castration can be traced back to 1 100 B. C.

但是这是一个可以上溯到文艺复兴年代的事实。But it's been a fact of life since as far back as the Renaissance

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在这微风吹拂和波光闪烁的河上溯流而上,真是令人陶醉的经历。The sail up the breezy and sparkling river was a charming experience.

它行之于明治时期,但其思想源头却可上溯至江户时代。It started in Meiji Times, but the idea can be tracked back to Edo Times.

一个出现在另一个模型中的能够上溯到希望模型中的一个期望的因素。An element in another model that traces to an expectation in the expectation model.

爬越每座山脉,上溯每条溪流,追随每道彩虹,直到梦想得寻。Climb every mountain, Ford every stream , Follow every rainbow , 'Till you find your dream.

湖南有着久远的文明史,古桥的建造历史可以上溯到秦代。The construction history of ancient bridges in Hunan province can be traced to Qin dynasty.

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项目的政治起源可以上溯到布什行政当局执政的最后数月内。The project’s political origins can be found in the last months of the Bush administration.

只是随着航程的上溯,安陆时而温柔,时而疯狂,但是变得越来越年轻。Just as the voyage back to Anlu, sometimes gentle, sometimes crazy, but become more and more young.

他们讲授的教义可以上溯到最高大法官狄奥尼修斯和新柏拉图主义者的思想那里。The Hesychasts taught doctrines which could be traced to Dionysius the Areopagite and Neoplatonist, thought.

一旦把一个对象上溯给一个接口类型,只有该接口中指定的成员才可以被使用。Once an object has been upcast to an interface type, only the members specified in the interface can be used.

记忆宫殿法的使用可上溯至古罗马时期,一些令人难以置信的记忆绝活也可归因于它。The Memory Palace has been used since ancient Rome, and is responsible for some quite incredible memory feats.

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中国古老的大漆工艺可以上溯至新石器时代,比丝绸和陶瓷的发明还要早许多。The ancient Chinese lacquer art dates back to Neolithic Age, much earlier than the invention of silk and pottery.

优化历史是由一连串的迷人事务构成,其泉源也许可以上溯到最先的丹青。The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.

海水沿着回旋的峡谷地形,蜿蜒上溯至挪威首都奥斯陆城下。The sea has snaked its way up convoluted valley floor, terminating along the margin of Norway's capital city of Oslo.