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同时,卡梅拉和草甸硬碰硬。Meanwhile, Carmela and Meadow butt heads.

公司决定跟工会硬碰硬。The company is prepared to play hardball with the union.

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改山造田可是硬碰硬的事。To transform hills into fields is an extremely tough job.

有的人依然坚持我们必须要和中国理性客气地打交道而不要硬碰硬。Some still argue that we must reason gently with China, not confront it.

“如果哈顿敢于和我们硬碰硬,我们就KO他,”罗奇说。"If Hatton stands toe-to-toe with us, we'll knock him out, " said Roach.

可你是打不过我的,马,硬碰硬地打,我的拳头可比你打得远。But you can't lick me, Mart, in a stand-up fight. I've got the reach on you.

他们注重礼节,采取硬碰硬,直到出血才罢休。They are about to the stance with ritual, and get straight to the blood bleeding.

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我们将和这些暴徒硬碰硬,如果我们开枪意味着会把他们打死,那打死就打死吧。We are going to meet these thugs head on, and if it means we kill when we shoot, then so be it.

就算偶尔有男孩想硬碰硬,最后还是被她闪亮的光环压下来。Even if the boys would like to occasionally head-end is still by her sparkling ring to steamroller us.

在一场硬碰硬的的比赛中战胜沙尔克04后,米兰成功晋级欧洲冠军联赛淘汰赛阶段的比赛。Milan progressed to the knockout stages of the Champions League following a hard-fought win over Schalke 04.

这是硬碰硬的较量,但是球员们都信奉一套追求公正以及恪守规则的运动文化,队员们有着最基本的底线。It is hard hitting but overriding the players behavior is a culture of fairness and one of playing by the rules.

现在。湖人必须与火箭硬碰硬来一仗,以达到他们60胜的目标。Still, the Lakers had to press on against a bruising Houston Rockets team to reach their goal of winning 60 games.

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然而你也别犯了硬碰硬的错误,更别以为你是无可取代的,或不愿预留讨论转圜的空间。However, don't male the mistake of playing hardball, thinking you are irreplaceable or being unwilling to negotiate.

私营企业老习惯了和工会硬碰硬,因为他们知道如果一味屈从,企业就会倒闭。Private-sector bosses are accustomed to playing hardball with unions because they know they can go bankrupt if they don’t.

商品需求增长主要来自中国,硬碰硬的结果只会让资金迅速流向美元区。Commodity demand growth at the margin all comes from China, so a hard landing there would send money scurrying back into dollars.

在最近几年,我们来到西汉姆主场,被欺负得拿不住球,他们的球迷嘘我们,他们的球员和我们硬碰硬。In recent times, we've come here and been bullied off the ball, their fans got on our backs and their players have been right on us.

平板电脑生产商也还在展开硬件竞争,但在明年之前不太可能是一种更加硬碰硬的短兵相接。Tablet makers are still challenging each other on hardware too, though a more head-to-head battle likely won't come until next year.

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萨德尔曾因盛产石油的库尔库克的最终归属与库尔德组织硬碰硬,库尔德人曾以该城市为首都。Sadr has previously butted heads with Kurdish groups about the final status of Kirkuk, an oil-rich city that the Kurds claim as their capital.

举例来说,你可能会得到一次硬碰硬的对观前门,然后又一批的地板前面门廊,和另一个从内部看出来。For example, you might get a head-on view of the front door, then another of the floor of the front porch, and another from the inside looking out.

跟现任雇主之间的这种硬碰硬很可能引火烧身,会引发你们之间的紧张关系甚至导致你被开。A "power play" against your current employer may backfire, leading to strained relations and downward mobility or put you on the fast track to departure.