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田主在大陆高原上的土地扩张了很多。The freeholder's land on the altitude of the acreage broadcast a lot.

田主的奴隶告诉主人说,我们该怎办?the slaves of the man come to the master and they say, What should we do?

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进行了“巴克星”光电生物灭虫器对有机蔬菜田主要害虫的诱杀效果试验。This paper reported the killing effect of "BuckStar" insects extinguisher on main insect of vegetables.

虽然田主对租田人的要求较为苛刻,但二者之间是一种相对平等的经济关系。In spite of demand of land-owner to field-renting people , it is the equal economic relation between us.

讨论了综合治理夏大豆田主要害虫的策略和措施。The strategy and measure of integrated management of major insect pests in summer bean yield were discussed.

这是扑克游戏斗田主,算法完备,可以单机,收集串线玩。Thellos is the card game that point, the algorithm integrity, a stand-alone, playing to connect to the network.

沈蔷去一个拍婚纱照的田主去拍摄,本来新娘子局然只是一件婚纱。Shen Qiang to a beat of photography TianZhu to shoot, originally bride innings was just a natural marriage gauze.

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东京大都会图片。行人有通行权在东京的银座区每逢星期日下午,当此期间银座樱田主要大道是禁止车辆通行。Pedestrians have the right-of-way in Tokyo's Ginza District on a Sunday afternoon, when the main avenue of Ginza Dori is closed to traffic.

以生态位重叠值作为指标.应用图论聚类中的最小生成树法,分析了该地区晚稻田主要杂草的生态学相似性关系。The eco logical similarity of weeds was also analysed by the minimal spanning tree method of fuzzy graphy theory based on their niche overlaps.

黄土高原旱作区河南省灵宝市一带,农田主要害鼠为终生营地下活动的棕色田鼠。Mandarin vole is one of the harmful rodents which lives underground in all it's life, in the dry farming area of loess plateau in Lingbao city, Henan province.

从宏观、微观和煤化学几个方面,研究了新疆和田县布雅煤矿一号井田主采煤层中硫的赋存形态、含量、变化规律及成因。The sulfur occurrence, content and genetic feature in the main coal seams, Buya Coal Mine, are analyzed with the macroanalysis, microanalysis and coal chemical methods.

在室内和田间测试了几种杀虫剂对麦蚜、天敌及后茬玉米田主要害虫与天敌种群的影响。The effect of several pesticides on wheat aphids and their natural enemies as well as on pests and natural enemies population in maize field was tested indoors and in the field.

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大厂矿田主要矿床的地质特征有其特殊性,即碳质页岩分布极广。The main deposit in the Dachang ore field, where the existing geophysical prospecting has its shortages in the aspects including the application of method, data explanation etc.

采用反映煤体结构破坏程度的若干宏观与测试参数,研究了石嘴山一矿井田主采三层煤的煤体结构变化特征。By means of some parameters that reflect breaking strength of coal body structure, changing features of coal body structure at No. 3 coal bed of No. 1 mine in Shizuishan Mine Area are studied.