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周围贴的瓷砖也是欧式的。These tiles are also Euro-style.

第一周瓷砖就碎了。The tile broke in the first week.

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花瓶哗啦一声掉在瓷砖上。The vase fell crash on to the tiles.

屋顶用瓦铺就,而地面是瓷砖打造。tiled roofs and ceramic tile floors.

用瓷砖贴地面怎么样?How about using tiles to cover floors?

地面铺着硬木地板或石板瓷砖。Floors are either hardwood or slate tile.

什么叫瓷砖的色差?What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile?

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胶水会把瓷砖粘在墙板上。Glue will adhere the tiles to the wallboard.

简一陶瓷,让瓷砖赞美生活。Gani ceramics, let the ceramic glorifies life!

我们在浴缸后的墙上贴了瓷砖。We have put tiles on the wall behind the bath.

你同时可以选择瓷砖式的分开排列的方式打开文件。You also have the option of tiling open files.

会更美好,为什么不买新的脚板瓷砖吗?Better yet, why not buy new baseboard tile too?

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墙面和地板上都贴着瓷砖。The walls and floors are clad with ceramic tiles.

勾缝后应用瓷砖表面多余的嵌缝料擦拭干净。Remove extra joint filler on the surface of tiles.

和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上.The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile.

瓷砖中所放射出来的氡主要来源镭。Tile in the main source of radon emitted by radium.

哪里有瓷砖磨边机卖?Where has ceramic tile edge finishing machines sell?

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到达时的我。这种贴着瓷砖的平房在当地是凤毛麟角。On my arrival. Tiled bungalow is luxury in this area.

玻化砖玻化砖其实就是全瓷砖。Bo to change a brick is complete ceramic tile actually.

处理剂的组成对漂亮瓷砖没有腐蚀。Formulated to be non-aggressive on fine porcelain tile.