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但全部的要旨都在于拍照。But the whole point is taking pictures.

这就是交流的要旨所在。This is the full "communication package.

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他们谈话的要旨被压缩成一段话。The substance of their talk is condensed into a paragraph.

这是我希望我们大家带入2006年的要旨。This is the message I would like us all to take forward into 2006.

本文的要旨即在于梳理这部分有关徐日升的中文文献。The aim of this paper is to sort out these records regarding Tomás Pereira.

各公司不仅需要遵守新政策,也应该遵守其精神要旨。Firms need to comply not only with the rules but also the spirit of the code.

他们以至占领了约克郡,公元867年时的基督教要旨。They even managed to capture York, an important center of Christianity in 867.

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科技翻译以准确、严谨为第一要旨。Both preciseness and restrictiveness are most important in scientific translation.

他们的要旨是不允许任何欧洲主权国家违约。Their message is that a default by a sovereign European government is "unthinkable".

然而,奥巴马本次面临着更大的挑战,也映射出这个时代的要旨。But Obama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times.

然而,奥巴马的公开露面展现了一个更大的挑战,也映射出他所处时代的要旨。But Osama’s appearance presented a deeper challenge, reflecting the tenor of his times.

要想掌握其中要旨确实很难,但也是文化学习过程的一部分。Hitting those notes was proving a challenge, but that was part of the cultural learning curve.

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这就是一个良好政府的要旨,也是为我们获致完满幸福所必需的。This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.

这使它们成为了分手乐段练习的理想曲目,而分手乐段练习也是本书所述练习方法的一大要旨。This makes them ideal for using HS segmental practice, a key element of the methods of this book.

其要旨让我们将大师个人神圣化了,以致遗失了大师教诲的本意。The point is that making a master teacher into a sacred fetish misses the essence of his teaching.

他也许在翻译文字,或者对着录音机缓慢又认真地讲述要旨。He may have been translating words, or slowly and carefully speaking the purport into the Dictaphone.

这门课的要旨在于,一门金融市场课,你会从中学到世界运转的方式The idea in this course is that by being a financial markets course, you have to know how the world works.

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即使你以前从未使用过Hibernate或Grails,你也可以很快地明白这儿所发生事情的要旨。Even if you've never used Hibernate or Grails before, you can quickly get the gist of what's going on here.

就个人而言,我会通过电子邮件或Skype与客户保持联系,但这仅限于要旨明确、沟通清晰的情况。Personally, I liaise with clients through email or Skype, but only when the brief and communication are solid.

这整章经文的要旨在于指出,不论是甚麽身分阶层的人,不论是在任何境况,都需要凭信而行。This whole chapter says to us that faith works under all kinds of circumstances and for all classes of people.