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幸存者躺在海岸上,疲惫不堪,心惊胆颤。The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked.

巨浪拍打在我们的身上,把我们吓得心惊胆颤。It was terrifying for us, as we were shaken by the waves.

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汤姆心惊胆颤地走近那奇怪的声音。Tom moved toward the strang sounds with his heart in his mouth.

我只希望当敌人看到这份名单上的名字时,会跟我一样心惊胆颤。I only hope that when the enemy reads the list of their names, he trembles as I do.

仅仅一张小照片足以让我想知道更多关于这方面的知识。然而,我知道的越多,越让我心惊胆颤。Just one tiny, grainy photo was enough to make me want to know more, and the more I knew, the worse it got.

短期内,美国失业率将继续上升,商业活动停滞不前,而媒体的头条也令人心惊胆颤。In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary.

麻痹状态一般仅持续几秒钟,可哪怕就几秒钟,也会让不少人心惊胆颤。Generally it only takes a few seconds for this to fade, but even such a brief time can cause panic in many people.

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甚至还有像恐怖电影一样令人心惊胆颤的面具,上面缠绕着电线,可以“像制作铁制模具一样”塑造面孔。There’s even a nice little horror-movie mask of electrical wires that model the face “just as iron models fabrics.”

马背上的王者成吉思汗以旋风般的铁蹄,在欧亚大陆留下了令人心惊胆颤的记忆。Genghis Khan, the king on the horse has left startling quiver memory at the Eurasia with the iron heel like the whirlwind.

球王的二发同样使人心惊胆颤,所以在一发失误后,他的对手也木有丝毫懈怠的机会。His second serve was also the most feared on the circuit, so opponents had little respite even when he missed his first delivery.

她心惊胆颤地看着那漆黑一片、没有人、有野兽、也许还有鬼怪的地方。She gazed in despair at that darkness, where there was no longer any one, where there were beasts, where there were spectres, possibly.

洛杉矾市民一想到每天笼罩著城市的金色烟雾就心惊胆颤,但他们也并未明显地要求减少私人汽车的数目。Citizens of Los Angeles are horrified by the daily pall of golden smog, but they don't noticeably clamor for a decrease in the number of owner-vehicles.

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从某些排队去洗手间的人群中可探到一些好的迹象,头发油亮、珠光宝气的游客说话谨慎,似乎惧怕日本的核泄漏恶魔,尽管日本地处遥远,却拯救不了对核污染特别敏感的德国,并常心惊胆颤。Some spying in the queue to the restrooms offered as good an indication as any. The coiffed, bejewelled visitors could speak of little other than Japan and their fears of a nuclear meltdown.