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当他惩罚我的时候一点情面也不留。When he punishes me he really punishes me.

另一个学生,姓赵,说得非常不留情面。A second student, called Zhao, was unsparing.

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赃羜时间不给任何人情面,也不会为谁而停留。Time will never change and stop for any person.

在温格与皮尔斯之间并无任何情面好讲。There is no love lost between Wenger and Pearce.

审判时看人的情面,是不好的。It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment.

竞技场可是不讲情面的地方哦,可不要怕疼啊。In the arena but not off place, you can do not fear aches!

还这般不给人留情面?Still favor this don't show consideration noodles as person?

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他已经老了,如今的世界对上了年纪的人是毫无情面的。He was an old un, and the world did not wag well with old uns.

你献给你的省长,他岂喜悦你,岂能看你的情面么。Try offering them to your governor! Would he be pleased with you?

可是很多时候,很多事情之后,毫无情面揭破自己懦弱。But a lot of times, lots of things, no feelings uncover themselves.

瞻徇恶人的情面,偏断义人的案件,都为不善。It is not good to be partial to the wicked or to deprive the innocent of justice.

似乎所有的是非曲折都迎面袭来。并毫不保留情面。Seem to have all the twists and turns of non-head hit. Tough and without reservation.

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而这个人不会逼你去杀人,也不会不留情面地羞辱你。Someone who doesn't drive you to commit murder or doesn't humiliate you beyond repair.

他是一个不留情面的活动家,几年来一直是政府的眼中钉肉中刺。A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.

瞻徇恶人的情面,偏断义人的案件,都为不善。It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.

这场为两个参议员举行的电视辩论会,真是一场不留情面的会议。That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair.

他们将整场比赛看作为一场不留情面的比赛,他们只是在玩硬的身体对抗。They see the whole game as a bare-knuckle contest, they're just playing a hard physical game.

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对看不惯的人,查韦斯似乎总是不给对方留一点情面。Of people could not understand, Chavez does not always seem to leave some feelings to each other.

在保护孩子的时候她们凶猛而不留情面,孩子是她们保持安全和为之打猎的对象。They are vicious and relentless in the protection of their children, who they keep safe and hunt for.

“民主革命”的扩张显得有些犹豫,但最终还是不留情面的从法国蔓延到欧洲其他国家。This "democratic revolution" spread haltingly but inexorably form France to other countries of Europe.