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是罪恶玷污了我们。Sin is what defiles us.

他玷污了家族的荣誉。He stained the family honor.

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是什么玷污了你?What is it that defiles you?

这是否玷污了你们的信仰?If it humiliates your belief ?

偶像崇拜同样玷污这片土地。Idolatry also defiles the land.

他玷污了她和他自己的尊严。He had dishonored her and himself.

流言蜚语玷污了她的名声。The scandal fouled her reputation.

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看到了吧,是罪孽玷污了我们。You see, it is sin that defiles us.

纯洁,一种永不被玷污的纯洁。A purity that will never be defiled.

ta白勺名誉被许多罪状所玷污。Her reputation is sullied by crimes.

它极其严重地玷污了你的灵魂。It besmirches to the soul seriously.

你的举止玷污了你们家族的荣誉。You sullied the honour of your family.

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民族来了,去了,都不能玷污它。Nations come and go without defiling it.

他们的行为玷污了这处圣地。Their behaviours profaned the holy place.

人不再被统治者的罪恶所玷污。When man unsullied by his leaders' crime.

性丑闻玷污了总统的声誉。The sexual scandals dirtied the president.

摸黑的人终究会玷污。He that touches the pitch shall be defiled.

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本城的名誉要遭受玷污。The fair name of the city would be smirched.

土地依旧被不正当的杀戮所玷污。The land is also defiled by illicit homicide.

虽然经历玷污与耻辱,仍然神圣!Though sullied and dishonour'd, still divine!