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我把广口瓶倒置。I turn the jar upside down.

这是一个小倒置。It’s a bit of an inversion.

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将你正在做的东西倒置过来看。Look at what you're working on upside down.

这些商品呈现的关系是倒置的。These commodities have an inverse relationship.

防移动锅支架倒置装置。Avoid move hollowware kickstand inversion device.

是支持自动旋转到纵向倒置?Is auto-rotation to portrait upside-down supported?

排空水桶和浴盆,倒置存放。emptying buckets and baths, and storing them upside-down.

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方面用于倒置依赖和解耦代码。Aspects are used to invert dependencies and decouple code.

利用倒置显微镜对病毒感染进行形态学鉴定。Morphology of HSV-1 was identified by inverted microscope.

双向、等电位或倒置P波提示什么?What do biphasic, isoelectric, or inverted P waves suggest?

并且她仍然没有,格兰达的魔棒是一个倒置的五角芒星。And she still hasn't. Glanda's wand is an inverted pentagram.

用倒置相差显微镜观察细胞形态变化。Morphologic changes were observed using phase-contrast microscopy.

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同样的符号,但却是倒置的。The second symbol, with the two separated semicircles, but inverted.

这个倒置体式有效地消除下背部的紧张和压力this calminginversion takes pressure off the lower part of your body.

在雷达导引头中经常采用高PRF倒置接收体制。High PRF and inverse receiver are often used in radar missile guidance.

蛋糕模具怎么样,制做倒置的、会自我复位的菠萝蛋糕?How about a cake mold, to make self-righting pineapple upside-down cake?

在设计结构中,其基本结构是一倒置的内壁涂有绝缘材料的漏斗状通道。A common basic structure used in the simulation is an insulating chunnel.

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处理横向速度变化,速度倒置和盲区。Handles lateral velocity variations, velocity inversions and blind zones.

通过一个倒置桶疏水阀的独立阀孔排出凝结水。The condensate discharges through a separate orifice by the inverted bucket.

最后论述了举证责任倒置时的证明效果。Last of this chapter, discuss the prove effect when convert the onus probandi.