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而百花凋零的时候是秋天。And drama is autumn.

百花见了笑盈盈哟。Flowers see them smiling.

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大地苍凉,百花尽谢。No flower upon the ground.

五月里百花盛开。May is prodigal with flowers.

我们花园百花盛开。Our garden blazed with flowers.

野生植物正百花盛开。All the wild plants are in bloom.

春雨带来了夏日百花。Spring rains bring summer flowers.

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阵阵春雨带来百花满园。Spring showers bring many flowers.

也不像牡丹花那样是百花公主。Nor is like peony flowers princess.

春天是百花盛开的季节。The flowers are at their best in Spring.

风霜雨雪催眠了百花。Wind frost rain snow Hypnotized flowers.

春天百花盛开十分美丽。The flowers are a lovely sight in spring.

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当春天草地上百花盛开。There, when the turf in springtime flowers.

浪逐风,逐空百花情。By the wind, waves by empty feeling flowers.

春雨为我们带来了夏日的百花。The rain in spring brings us summer flowers.

谁说秋来百花凋零呢?Who says that flowers withered autumn to do?

红枫湖、百花湖水中DOC含量受气候条件的影响。The content of DOC was influenced by weather.

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那里一年到头百花盛开吗?Are flowers in bloom all the year round there?

百花怒放。Hundreds of flowers are blooming in profusion.

夏威夷常年百花盛开。In Hawaii there are flowers all the year round.