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但这只是一个单子。But it's just one monad.

你单子上还有别的吗?Anything else on your list?

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这个单子可以列出很长很长。The list could go on and on.

我觉得单子上的都是。My answer to that list is yes.

把这张单子放个一天。Leave the list alone for a day.

用张单子把死尸盖上。Draw a sheet over the dead body.

在单子上写下4-5件事情。Make a short list of 4-5 things.

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她把要向杂货商购买的东西列成一张单子。She made out a list for the grocer.

她为我在沙发上铺了一条单子。She spread a sheet on the sofa for me.

每周列一张单子,别每天列。Make your to-do list weekly, not daily.

他们将你的缺点错误列出长长的单子。They make a long list of your misdeeds.

好的,请您在这张单子上签一下字。OK, please sign your name on this sheet.

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它们是酒吧的几张小单子。They are a few small bills from the bar.

所有的家具都盖着布单子。All the furniture was covered with sheets.

这份单子上列出了我感兴趣的机床。Here’s my list of interested machine tools.

我通常把所有必须要做的事列成一张单子。I usually list all the things I have to do.

当对生活感到厌倦时,我便拿出那张单子。When I'm bored with life, I take out my list.

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这是拍片子的单子,一会儿见。Here's the form for the X-rays. See you later.

到了星期一,我把各人的单子分发给他们。On Monday I gave each student his or her list.

请籽细核对单子以避拟涪生错误。Please check the list so as to avoid mistakes.